Tips for Presenting a Good PowerPoint Presentation

in #presentation3 years ago

During your career, there are going to be many situations in which you will need to deliver a presentation that makes an impact. Whether it be to your co-workers or your clients, you are going to need to hone your public speaking skills so that you sound professional and confident. This means that you will also need to include some visuals via PowerPoint.

When presenting a PowerPoint Presentation, there are some things you should do to ensure everything runs smooth. The last thing you want is a presentation that goes wrong. It would be quite embarrassing to get up in front of a large crowd, present a PowerPoint presentation and something go wrong. You are then left standing there looking like an idiot. Yes, a bit harsh, but true. Follow these tips to ensure you present a good PowerPoint presentation.

  1. Always Save Your Work after Changes

"First things first, when you are creating your presentation, make sure you save it after every change" says Dan Smith of "If you make one last change before running out the door, make sure you save it."

In PowerPoint and many other programs, CTRL + S will become your best friend. My finger hits those two keys without me even thinking about it. After you have lost a load of work a few times due to power failure and computer failure, you will learn to hit those two keys without even thinking about it.

  1. Do a Test Run Before the PowerPoint Presentation

If you have access to the place you will be presenting the presentation, go early and do a test run. When you do your test run, make sure all of the equipment you need to use is working and working correctly. Then take a run through your presentation to make sure it runs smooth. This is why it is important that you prepare.

  1. Include Images in Your PowerPoint Presentation

Many people are visual, meaning once they see something, they can retain it better. So, it is good to include images that are appropriate in your presentation to help cover whatever it is you are covering. "However, don't use just any random image, make sure it has something to do with the points in your presentation" suggests John Rogan of

  1. Proofread and Spell Check Your PowerPoint Presentation

Before presenting your presentation, make sure you go through all of the slides and proofread them. Correct any spelling errors and grammar errors. When you are finished, ask a friend to look over it and proofread it. When your friend is finished, you look over it one more time. You sure don't want to find spelling errors and grammar mistakes while you are presenting the presentation.

  1. Find Some Inspirational Quotes

Quotes are a great way to spruce up your presentation. People love great quotes. Spend some time finding ones that align with your theme and message. This site has some great quotes you can pull from.

So, there you have it, some tips to help you present a good PowerPoint presentation. Remember to stay calm and talk about other stuff to add to your presentation and you will do just fine!


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