RE: Take Back Your Life From Prescription Drugs
Wow! Thanks for the great input! I will look up the discord information and follow you. You are very welcome.
Thinking here about the herbal encyclopedia. I've got several ... there are many good ones. OK. My usual go to reference books are: The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants by Andrew Chevalier, National Geographic Desk Reference to Nature's Medicine, and Therapeutic Herb Manual by Ed Smith. Those Anthony William books I recommended at the end of the article are great also, they are mostly info on food as medicine there but he does make some references to herbal medicines and I'm very much in alignment with his approach to healing. Also there's a man I am watching on Facebook named Don Olsin who is planning on publishing an herb manual, he said March 2019 and I'm watching out for this one. Based on his Facebook posts, he is amazing.
I will definitely look at setting up more posts like this!! I'm sooo glad to have reached someone with this information, I feel that it is so important. Thanks again for your gracious reply! And inspiring me to keep up this train of thought for others.