Affitrum Uses Web3 And AI Algorithms to Solve Advertising Market Problems

in #presalelast year


In the current environment of digital advertising, centralized platforms have monopolized user data, which has raised issues over users' right to privacy and resulted in an unfair income share among content providers. Our project's objective is to cause a disruption in the existing advertising ecosystem via the development of an algorithm driven by AI as well as an advertising platform based on Web 3.0 that places an emphasis on openness, efficiency, and individual control. The platform will make use of blockchain technology to make open communication between businesses and the audiences they are trying to reach easier while also making it simpler for content producers to get fair pay for their work.

Affitrum is a digital advertising initiative that aims to change the game by using technology such as Web3 and AI Algorithms to find solutions to challenges that exist in the advertising industry. The reduction or elimination of fraud, improvements to user privacy, and equitable compensation for all parties involved are the objectives of the initiative. Join us on this thrilling journey, and you'll not only have fun, but you'll also be helping to shape the landscape of what lies ahead for digital advertising.


  1. By documenting all transactions on the blockchain, Affitrum guarantees openness and provides an indelible record of all interactions between advertisers and publishers. Data-driven decisions may be made by advertisers thanks to increased transparency into ad placements, performance analytics, and audience demographics. Fair pay for publishers is possible because to the availability of open revenue sharing schemes.
  1. Affitrum drastically cuts down on fraudulent ads by employing blockchain technology. The decentralized consensus technique eliminates the possibility of recording fraudulent clicks and impressions by verifying that only legitimate ones have occurred. Accurate performance indicators provide advertisers confidence in how well they are spending their advertising dollars.
  1. Our technology simplifies the advertising supply chain by doing away with middlemen and automating procedures using smart contracts. Both advertisers and publishers may profit from the lower operating expenses, shorter delays, and quicker cash settlement made possible by this.
  1. By collecting as little data as possible and giving consumers full access to their data, Affitrum places a premium on protecting user privacy. Users have granular control over what data they want to provide, and they're offered reasonable remuneration in exchange for participating in ad targeting. Affitrum's stated mission is to reform the dynamic between users, marketers, and their data such that all parties involved feel safe and secure.
  1. Smart contracts help Affitrum pay stakeholders fairly. Compared to conventional advertising methods, publishers earn a bigger income share, encouraging excellent content. For seeing adverts, users get AFFI and TRUM tokens.
  1. Decentralized governance lets token holders vote on platform improvements, incentive systems, and policies.



The Internet Advertising Market will reach $1.08 Trillion by 2027. AdTech, which serves publishers, advertisers, and brands, has seen little innovation in the previous decade despite its scale.

Affitrum disrupts by purchasing ad networks and switching them to tokens. Affitrum's main services platform and business strategy are specific to this network strategy acquisition and conversion.


Affitrum will launch two native coins. The Arbitrum network would deploy the $AFFI and $TRUM tokens to simplify ecosystem transactions.


abb: AFFI
6 decimal
Supply: 100,000,000 $AFFI
Distribution: Airdrop- 40% (40,000,000 $AFFI)
0.5% (500,000 $AFFI) Private Sale
CEX Listings! -19.5% (19,500,000 $AFFI)
24% (24,000,000 $AFFI) Burn
Holders get 16% (16,000,000 $AFFI).


abb: TRUM
6 decimal
100,000,000 $TRUM
Presale: 72% (72,000,000 $TRUM)
20% (20,000,000 $TRUM) liquidity and CEX listing
Holder rewards: 8% (8,000,000 $TRUM).



Q2 2023: Research:
White Paper Draft v1
Core Team (Astronauts) Formation
Contract Code Development
Website design Initial Marketing Campaign

Launch & Presale Q3 2023:
Contract Code Installation
UI Deployment Project Launch & $AFFI Private Sale
$AFFI CamelotDEX Listing
Security Audit and KYC $TRUM Presale

Blockchain and Listings in Q4 2023:
Pre-sale End and Token Claiming
$TRUM Camelot DEX/CEX Listing
Bridge-Farm Upgrade Ads and Revenue App v1 Development
$TRUM ECOSYSTEM Blockchain v1 Development Online UI Platform Upgrades

Q1 2024: CEX Partnerships and Listings:
$AFFI and $TRUM CEX Listing Partnership Expansion Wallet Compatibility
Launch of TRUM Ecosystem Blockchain Affitrum-Dex 1.0 Development

Q2 2024: Marketing expansion and liquidity extension:
Self-Liquidity Partnering
Cross-Chain Compatibility Development Aggressive Global Marketing Security Audit Upgrades
Launch of Own Blockchain Affitrum-Dex 1.0 Launch.

Q3 2024: Community Development and Growth:
Affitrum DAO with Metasphere v1 development
Affitrum Metasphere v1, Affitrum DAO, Renewed Marketing Campaign, New Roadmap.


Affitrum Blockchain will record advertising transactions safely and immutably via blockchain. A distributed ledger ensures openness, prevents data tampering, and provides a verifiable audit record of all advertising activity.

This blockchain handles all digital ad transactions in Affitrum tokens between Publishers and Advertisers. Advertisers and authors exchange value via Affitrum dPoS.

AFFI/TRUM tokens have several perks. Join the Web3 advertising economy and influence the DAO-governed ad business.

The Affitrum Blockchain's key characteristics are:

Delegated Proof of Stake block consensus reduces network maintenance expenses.

Small account and transaction IDs, limited transaction set, and parallel processing enable large transaction volumes (>100 kHz one-to-one, >1 MHz one-to-many).

Most transactions are trusted immediately because nodes are highly punished for double spends.

a small group of VIP nodes accountable for network integrity to enable sluggish nodes with limited transaction processing.

The block contains all account hashes for fast blockchain synchronization.

A hierarchical account and node structure supports KYC, AML, eID supply, and governance.

Liquid staking rewards to account holders and node administrators to expand the ADS ecosystem economy.


The Affitrum team created a governance structure for the token-holder-governed Affitrum DAO. Affitrum DAO token holders will vote on governance. It controls product development. Affitrium network Council's public governance module will let token holders oversee the ecosystem's key features and rules.


Our objective is to develop a completely decentralized AdTech infrastructure regulated by the Affitrum DAO as additional firms join the ecosystem. On the next stage of DAO development, we want to create a council with a limited number of members. The core team, community, and most active ecosystem firms will provide those members.
Affitrum Social media will host Council discussions and voting.




Bitcointalk Username: Bigjohnson124
Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=185728
BSC Wallet Address: 0xE81b6A6362e24961AA09D5E413Af386fa9A59B17

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