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RE: The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet: Results And Conclusions

in #prepping6 years ago

Had I not been fat, the calorie dearth would have presented a problem.

Did you feel at any time that the calorie deficiency was eating at your muscles, instead of fat?

Related to the diarrhea, my stools were far less frequent than beforehand.
I winder how much fat is part of the meals; I would think very little. Also, you were eating far less bulkier food than your normal diet.

It suggests that preppers will have an energy edge in a real SHTF situation because they're already prepared for the eventuality.

For preppers, consider the amount of stress you will be dealing with in those first days. Thankfully, you'll be in a better place mentally than those who didn't prepare, but stress will make a difference in energy consumption. Some people take to stress though, so YMMV. Adrenaline addicts FTW!

Good job in detailing pysch effects; we need to remember these will be magnified in SHTF sitauations!

Congrats on the weight loss! Thanks for the shout-out and the prep test~!


Thank yourself!

Did you feel at any time that the calorie deficiency was eating at your muscles, instead of fat?

No. When I had to do something physical like snow shoveling, I wasn't dragged down at all. If there were some of that, it was subtle and unnoticeable.

Can't say what would happen over two months, but for the month I was drawing down fat.

Good to know; one of the assumptions I have is that calorie deficits attack muscle first. I must have read something wrong there, or remembered it wrong!

De nada ;)

I'm sure what you read is true if you're buff or don't have much fat on your bones.

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