Ready or not, the pre-scheduled unrest is approaching

in #prepping4 years ago


Are you stocked up and ready for post-election "sports"?

I think I'm OK, although if I get any unexpected donations I have a few last-minute things I'll stock up on.

Most likely, nothing big will happen right after the election. The losers on both sides will have a whine-off. One side will imagine they won. And the State will grow more powerful and ever more intrusive.

But, there is a chance that unrest will disrupt things for a while.

This is one time there's an actual date on the calendar that we can prep for. A date we know because the enemies of society have announced their intentions and you'd be wise to listen.

A clear date to prepare for doesn't often happen and I'm not planning to fail by failing to plan. It's like ignoring a tornado warning-- sure, you'll probably be fine, but won't you feel like an idiot if it actually hits and you ignored your chance to do something to prepare?

Ready or not, here it comes. Please at least consider being ready. It can't hurt and it might just help.

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i am totally not ready for this!

Can we push off the election for a few years?
I am totally not ready for a money grubbing, two faced, lying scum (Camel-a) to suddenly be the dumbocrap presidential nominee even though nobody voted for her.

I am still not ready for the disillusion of the United States.

I am not ready for CCP-virus 2.0 (which will be a bacteria added to most processed foods) and all the lockdowns that they will try to shove down our throats for our safety.

But i do have a lot of canned goods and wheat berries and pasta and such...

I'm positive that Trump will win, but it does give a chance for liberty activists to be more active. The Democrats have jumped off the cliff.

I am pretty sure that Trump will be "elected" president this year.

However, there will be many problems.
Like antifa complaining that their ballot box stuffing didn't work good enough.
Something will happen to Washington state where there vote gets ignored or something. (probably voter fraud, and then goes to court. Court can't make decision fast enough. No delegates sent to DC)

Both the dumbocraps and the repulsivkins are going to be found out to be traitors of the people.
It is only because Trump is a "republican" that the repulsivkin party isn't imploding.

It will be a very interesting time.

I am certain that there will be unrest from the far-left radicals. It's almost a no brainer, but I don't believe the Republicans are at fault for the amount of instability that is occurring in this country.

I highly believe China and Russia are involved with the growth of far-left terrorism in the US. Only time will tell if Republicans fall into more authoritarian controls. Eventually, the people will have to be willing to change and reject both the left and the right political parties to unite for liberty. Interesting time indeed!

Yes, put off the election for decades for all I care.
Until "None of the above-- abolish the office" appears on ballots, no election is legitimate to me. (and probably not even then.)

That's one better than i have thought of.

I tell people that i want a "NO" (none) option on the ballot.

adding an "abolish the office" would be great.

I feel that not only should we have term limits.
That govern-cement entities should have term limits.

The DMV should be abolished ever 20 years or so.
Throw everyone out.
Create a new charter, create a new agency only if it is still necessary.

Do you know what the DMV is for?

Registration - the act of giving the govern-cement your car, in turn they give you sole privilege to drive it.
And this is the reason police can just confiscate cars without being charged with grand theft.
The govern-cement owns it.

Now, the DMV is doing a rather lousy job on their end of the deal. The providing sole privilege to drive it. Cars are routinely stolen and resold and re-registered.

The DMV is a sham.

And should be abolished. (as well as a lot of other bureaus )

Hey @Dullhawk, I wanted to ask if it would be fine of me to reshare links to your blog (KentforLiberty) on sites like Minds and Dlike? (The only reason I ask is because they give tokens for contributing to the websites.)

It's fine with me for anyone to share anything I write anywhere. I hope it earns you some tokens or money. LOL.

Sweet man! I just want the nod just incase, but yeah I mostly use Minds anyways. lol

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