Bandito Gettin Ready To Get Slammed By Florence!

in #prepping6 years ago


I love where I live at but this is one of the risks that I take while enjoying living in the Carolinas.

It's been a while since my area specifically has had a devastating impact from a hurricane, so our turn looks to be up!

As of right now it looks like the storm will make landfall around Thursday or Friday. All models are showing it running over the Bandito in some form or fashion.

If mother nature farts a snowflake around here, we Southerners will flood every store within a 100 mile radius for beer, milk, bread and water...Items listed by priority.

I'm a modest prepper at heart so I'm already decently prepared I feel, although you can never be too ready for something like this. I remember other hurricanes that had stalled (basically stopped moving forward, dumping an enormous amount of rain in one area) after making landfall and even start backtracking or turn around hitting an affected area twice!

I'm planning on renting a mini excavator in the next day or two so I can dig a large trench behind my house for the water to run off in. I was planning on installing a french drain back there anyway so it's time to either shit or get off the pot, son!

I hope you're ready @bigblueleadslead because it's coming! For anyone else that's in the Carolinas, please don't wait until the last minute to get basic essentials!

Non Ducor, Duco



Yeah buddy, I'm gearing up. It has been a while since we had our bout with a hurricane, my son was born in Chapel Hill during a hurricane...... remember Floyd?
I will leave to safer areas if needed.

Be safe my friend.

Sending energy and thoughts of safe refuge for your family @bigblueleadslead. Hang tight. :)

I do have my joy juice as!!!!!!tenor (1).gif

Sending energy to you and @bigblueleadsled!
At the very least you are taking things seriously and are getting ready to weather through the storm.
Small fiat paper and coin is good to have too. If power goes down, stores and gas stations quickly run out of the ability to make change. Hopefully you won’t need to purchase anything more during the event but I like to be prepared and I know you do too. :)

Thanks.... living in North Carolina we are always prepared for events like this. I have all I need.

Thoughts and Prayers for you. I know it must be very alarming but you seem to be taking good precautions.

Thanks for sharing @bluelightbandit

Yeah, it adds some excitement to life that's for sure. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Batten down the hatches bandito, great idea to dig that trench now, you can fill it with gravel later.

Being prepared is a saintly quality when disaster strikes.

My thoughts exactly!

I hope the Weather Bureau is a little exaggerated on its previsions...

You and me both!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Hope it doesn't hammer you guys too badly! Praying for your safety. Stay safe!

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