How To Acquire What You Need In A SHTF Scenario

in #prepping7 years ago

Should we ever suffer an "end of the world as we know it" event, it will be critical that you know how to gain the upper hand in the situation and acquire any necessities that you don't already have or even those you run out of.  Many preppers invest heavily in silver an gold with the anticipation that it will be the answer to everything, and for a little while it may be.  However, there are other items that will almost certainly become more desirable than precious metals.


Water is one item that no-one can live without for more than a few days.  In a SHTF scenario it will become one of the most sought after items there is.  Clean drinking water can be hard to come by when everything goes south, and having a way to replenish supplies will be critical, and enable you to barter for almost anything you need.  One of the best investments any prepper can make is the purchase of a top-notch water filter.  


Another item that will be atop the most desirable list will be food.  When the grocery store shelves have been rampaged and nothing is left that is worth scavenging, those who aren't prepared will do whatever it takes to acquire food for themselves and their families.  It is of utmost importance that you never allow your family to be in a situation where they run out of food or water.  While investing in food preps, don't neglect to find heirloom, non-GMO seeds.  These seeds can be harvested every year and saved for use the following gardening season making them extremely valuable.


Another item that will be extremely desirable will be some way to create fire.  Lighters and matches are great, but there are other alternatives such as a magnifying glass or steel wool and a 9 volt battery.  People will need these items to get a fire started so that they can cook their food and to stay warm when the weather turns cold.

Medical Supplies:

With no hospitals in operation, those who have failed to prepare will most definitely be seeking out the medical supplies they need for their illnesses and injuries. 

Alcohol & Nicotine:

Many individuals are hopelessly addicted to both alcohol and nicotine.  Having some of these items will go a long way towards gaining access to many items that you find yourself in need of.


When people can no longer pick up the clothing they need at a store, most will have no idea how to remedy the situation.  A few extra garments stored in a sealable tote will give you something to trade for other items you find yourself in need of.  


Many people will begin to hunt for access to weapons and ammunition in order to attempt feeding their families by way of hunting.  A few bullets may be worth their weight in gold or even more!  Be sure you know the people with whom you are trading any weapons and ammunition.  The last thing you want to do is get yourself in a situation that requires you to blow off a bunch of rounds protecting your preps from the person who just traded with you for some ammunition.

Hand Tools:

This item is near the bottom of my list, but there will surely be individuals in search of the hand tools they didn't bother to acquire before everything went south.


Everyone has skills.  Some more than others, but we all know how to do something that can provide value to another person or family.  Never underestimate the power to acquire your wants and needs through the use of your own skillsets.

Although this list is not exhaustive, it can give you some ideas about where you can start when preparing for future bartering.  Many items don't take up much space, and can be purchased now and stored for use as bartering items later.
Think about any items that would cause life to become more difficult without, and you will be able to come up with an extensive list of things that can be used for bartering should the need arise.

- "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." ~Ben Franklin


Upvoted, Resteemed and following. Very good list. Skills will get you the most bang for the buck and the right skills can provide for everything else that's on that list. I would like to make a suggestion, if you could include an image in your posts it'll help get you more views, and also easier for when we share the post on our facebook page and other social media so we can get you more traffic. You can get free images from Wikipedia commons as long as you credit the source.....Let me know whenever you have a post you'd like resteemed or upvoted...... I am here to help preppers by upvoting and resteeming survival, preparedness, and sustainable living content. Don't forget to use the #preppers tag in your posts. If you are on facebook, you can also share your posts in this group so our members can help upvote and share your posts.

Thanks for the resteem & follow....I really appreciate it!
I will be sure to include photos in my posts from now on....thanks for the advice....

Alcohol, tobacco, and makeup were the most sought after and most barterable items during the great depression. Very good list.

Thanks for checking out my post....glad you liked it!

Hi @backrdadventures, good list there.

Torches and batteries would also be good to add to the list. And maybe a radio.

I would definitely suggest those two items for personal preps, and you are right....if you had extras they could be used as barter items as well!
Thanks for checking out my post!

You're welcome.

I guess I should pipe up here for the gals. We're gonna need sanitary supplies (probably cloth since the paper stuff would run out pretty quickly if the shtf for more than a few months), birth control (actually not just a girl thing), and baby supplies. Cloth diapers would be best if clean water isnt an issue. But if the disposable ones just arent available then cloth it is! If it's a breastfeeding mother, shes going to need alot of protein. Stock up on Survival Tablets. They come in chocolate and vanilla and they taste pretty good. This would supplement any protein that could be hunted.
I hope we never need this.

Great additions to the list!
Thanks for checking out my post!

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