You Are The Weakest Link - Now Die

in #preppers6 years ago

Anyone with an ounce of integrity will ensure their future is secure, for their family and themselves. As #Preppers we strive to cover all the bases. We ensure preparation in every day life and beyond is taken care of with gear and plans. We monitor current events and future trends. But where are our priorities rooted?


You are no use to anyone if you cannot look after yourself, first and foremost! Your Inner Circle of Preparedness starts with YOU, then extends onto your 'wingman' and out onto your group/family.

If YOU are the primary responsibility, then take a good look at yourself. Personal #Preparedness starts within. Fitness and mobility are your greatest asset - You are your greatest item! Forget gear! Without gear what are you?

Emergency Preparedness Priorities

Once we are stripped down, our ability to #Survive is bound only by our knowledge and physicality (fitness & health). Take all your clothes, your footwear and go stand in the woods - See how long you live! We are a delicate animal.
We are slowly becoming victims of our own success - We are now a vehicular generation, and rightly so, but take physicality for granted and complacency will ultimately kill you in an austere world. There is a need to be physically fit and mobile in an SHTF world, this is your final fallback. Once your health has deteriorated - You expire!
For this reason, I advocate you strip back your training to the PRIMAL areas of preparedness, such as Survival and Bushcraft skills. A good grounding in 'core' skills will see you through when you have nothing.


Travel Light - Freeze At Night

The ability to Bug Out, on foot, may be beyond the capability for some people. If it is, you need to do something about it. As I have said before, Preparedness is all about assessing and balancing RISK. Getting the balance for Bug Out right is the real art. Reliance on too much gear will weigh you down, too little gear and you will be cold and struggle. When stripped back, your injury resistance and knowledge will see you through.


Going INCH mode is different - your house is on your back and you should be prepared to continually 'live of the land' for sustained periods.

My Point

Of all the aspects of your training plan, regime, gear, location, situation and group size, your success starts with your inner strength and physical well being. Whilst on the move, your injury resistance will be the underpinning root of your success. Your responsibility to yourself and your group will only be enhanced by your effective addition to the group.
Training should start at the basis level and work up. Without gear you only have your Health and Knowledge.

Personal Well-Being | Injury Resistance | Fitness | Knowledge | Skills

A Balance of Gear.JPG

Do not be the weakest link - Survive!


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