Prejudice Is EverywheresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #prejudice6 years ago

Prejudice Is Everywhere

Especially Where You Least Expect It


I currently work as a mail order pharmacist who has people screaming at him on the phone all day long about how their medicine was in the hot mailbox for hours, and how could we let this happen? What do they think mailorder involves? They also get upset about where the postman or FedEx guy leaves the box ... as if we have any control over that whatsoever. I could go on and on endlessly, but my point is that I have ben applying to various places in hopes of attaining a new job that does not make me hate life.


One thing I have noticed that has me curious is that every single company I have applied to asks me my gender and race. The first thing I wonder is how long before the LGBTQLMNOP community is going to allow this to go on, because the only two choices on all of these websites is either 'male' or 'female.' The next thing I wonder is why the need to know my race? Does that not imply partiality? Am I not supposed to assume that I will be treated differently based on my skin color by answering this question? And if I select 'Choose Not To Answer,' then do I not come across as rebellious, or a potential PITA troublemaker?


They also ask about Veteran status and Disability status. I actually have no problem with either of those, but it sure is a good thing they don't ask about political party affiliation (not that I would answer that one). I have a sneaky suspicion that if I admitted to being a conservative registered Republican that I would most likely never work another day in my life. Now, who doubts me on that?

In any case, I have been searching continually for quite some time now, so either there are no jobs out there for a pharmacist, or something is turning perspective employers off from me. I do a podcast with Dr. Shaw, which I hesitate to mention here for obvious reasons, so it could be that. We do not hold back, and tend to get a little controversial at times. It could be this blog, which clearly shows throughout its history where I stand on a lot of issues. These are stances that a great many potential employers would not want their employees to hold. I wish I could get a copy of the background checks that these companies are doing on me, and wish just one recruiter or employer would have the balls to come right out and tell me why they're "not interested at this time," or "went with someone else who better meets our requirements."


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