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RE: My 19 and pregnant story

in #pregnant6 years ago

We had our first kid when I was 16. I quit School and went to work. I worked two and sometimes three jobs. It was such a hectic part of my life but it was so worth it. My first kid, will be 20 this year. I've since had a son who would have been 16 but our creator took him. Another daughter who just turned 15. And my son who is 7. They are all such blessings. I am so proud of you for choosing keep your child. Thanks for making the other hard decisions that you had to make. My relationship was also horribly toxic. However I stayed with her for 12 years trying to salvage and save the relationship. However like in your case after being cheated on treated like crap for so long I finally gave up and moved on. This was however only after we were married and so I was forced to deal with a divorce on top of everything. So I truly feel and understand what you went through. This is why when I say that I am so proud of you for making the right choices in the beginning I speak as a voice of knowledge having gone through it for over a decade. Thank you for your amazing place here. And for everything that you're doing. I believe you are reaching and helping a lot of people. Oh, and your daughter is absolutely beautiful. What an angel. And her name is absolutely lovely. I'm so sorry if I missed it, but may I ask how you came up with the name? Or who came up with it? I also only got to watch so much of your video because I wanted to comment too and I only had so much time. Thank you for being who you are, and the only thing additionally that I ask is that you never change. Stay strong and your belief in faith in our creator and raise your child in love. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around again but until I do I send you and all of yours all of my love. And may our creator bless yous.

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