Top 4 Bitcoin Price Predictions for 2018

in #predictions6 years ago

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Given the way Bitcoin’s price has skyrocketed over the past year, it is very difficult to discern the fundamentals that can help us figure out its inherent value. As a matter of fact, when I started researching this article, the price of a single Bitcoin was around $12,000, 2 days and half an article later, the price of the same Bitcoin stand at $17,500 $ and now when I am updating this article the price is $7,900. Furthermore, the way Bitcoin has been breaking through all previous expectations has rendered any attempt at using technical analysis to make Bitcoin price predictions for 2018 irrelevant. Nevertheless, there are a few factors that should affect the cryptocurrency’s price going forward:

  1. Rate of adoption: Metcalfe’s law states that the value of a network increases as the number of users on said network increases, and this is somewhat applicable to Bitcoin as well.

  2. Underlying technology: Although Bitcoin is built on Blockchain technology, it is somewhat inferior from a technological perspective to other cryptocurrencies built on the same platform.

  3. The appearance of other competing cryptocurrencies: With more and more digital coins surfacing on the scene, the argument for using Bitcoin as a means of transactions is becoming less justifiable.

  4. The use of futures: Creating a futures market for trading Bitcoins will have a profound effect on the young currency.

  5. Regulation: Regulation is inevitable; however, its effects are uncertain, rendering any Bitcoin predictions suspect at best.


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