Greg Hunter Interview: Gerald Celente - Predictions for 2020

in #predictions5 years ago

Greg Hunter interviews Gerald Celente, trends researcher and publisher of the weekly publication "The Trends Journal", about the politics, economy, war, and markets.


  • (00:29) What about the impeachment do you see for 2020?;
  • (05:37) What was the point of the impeachment?;
  • (08:54) What are your big trends for the economy?;
  • (12:19) Do you see a depression coming?;
  • (15:05) Do you foresee any indictments and criminals going to jail?;
  • (19:23) What is the U.S. going to look like in 2020?;
  • (21:50) Do you think all polls are phony?;
  • (23:15) Do you see civil unrest and war in 2020?;
  • (27:24) What is your appraisal of the overall economy?;
  • (29:55) What is your appraisal of civil unrest during 2020/2021 in the U.S.?;
  • (32:10) Is there any silver lining you see in 2020?;
  • And more...

37 minute video by Greg Hunter published 21 December 2019

Link Associated with this Interview

2020 Predictions on Trump, Economy, War and Unrest – Gerald Celente


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I do like a Greg hunter video, I also watch Gerald Celente every week on YouTube. Thanks mike

Hay que tener una buena base para dar alguna predicción sobre este desastre pero creo que Gerald Celente lleva buen camino. Feliz tarde.

Hola @etcmike, habrá que guardar este post, para ver qué tan bueno es Gerald Celente, en sus investigaciones para ver posibles resultados del 2020. Gracias por compartirlo.

Es lamentable que los acontecimientos actuales no permitan orientarse en predicciones más favorables.

Thanks for the information. I just wanted to know more about impeachment.

interesting predictions from GREG HUNTER, thanks for sharing

Thank you so much for sharing a great interview with GREG HUNTER

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