The Life of a Preachers Kid

in #preacher7 years ago

Everyone expects the kid of a preacher to be the perfect and flawless one, whenever people hear that a kid has done something wrong, they say maybe he or she just needs to be corrected or taught some lessons about life, but on the other hand, if the child of a preacher commits the same offense, what you will hear people say is that, what nonsense, this kid is really uncultured and the kid lacks discipline despite the fact that he or she is the child of a preacher.

This illustration is what happens everywhere and the interpretation is just that every kid has the right to make mistakes except a preachers kid and this is really amazing and very questioning, does it mean that it is not the same blood that flows in a normal kid that flows in a preachers kid?

The level of perfection expected by the society from the parents is as well transferred to the innocent child who just wants to grow and have a normal life like every other kid.
The Parents have however accepted their fate and have seen it as a responsibility, they have to be very careful not to make any mistake whatsoever because that is what some people are just looking for to tarnish their image.

One annoying part about the whole thing is when the parents try to put so much pressure on the kid because they do not want their kid to make any mistake that will tarnish their image, they try to bend the kid to do right by societal standard and spiritual standards.

The social life of the child is then nothing compared to other kids, there are restrictions and laws everywhere that stop the child from being real.

At some point, we hear cases of grown-up preacher's kid who run away from home because they are tired of living their lives to please others, when such a child leaves home, the society begins to throw stones at them and call them different abusive names, they say this kid just want to destroy what the father has been trying to build for years.

A preachers kid does not have the right to live his or her own life, they only live the life of the parent and the church, they only live the type of life that the church wants them to live and that will suit their parents as well.

Thank you for taking out of your precious time to read.

I remain your humble Nigerian Lady @oluwatobiloba.

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People often fail to realize that the nature of man is usually bound to manifest no matter who you are. When we say "man of God" we forget that there is a man before God. The essence of this is that we should not expect others to follow the same path we chose.
Nice write up @oluwatobiloba...Resteemed!

I agree @oluwatobilola. Preacher's kids are really expected to be superhumans full of perfection and holiness. This places a huge responsibility on their shoulders to live up to other people's expectations of them.

The same applies to preachers too. Just think back to the case of Apostle Suleiman's scandal and how the media blew it out of proportion. Any man could have done those same things and gone scott-free.

On the other hand too. I think its because of this saying;

To whom much is given, much is expected.

Cheers dear!


you are right, thanks for stopping by @nairadaddy

You've gotta set an example for other kids. Not an easy life, your life is like an a performer on stage, all the spotlight is on you while the society sits from a distance and watch your every move. Your life suddenly becomes their entertainment. They watch you while you live it.

Hmmmm.... What a beautiful comparison you used here!

It's time such people seize the advantage or realize that they are the performers

okay, but I still don't think it is right for people to have such mindset. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

@oluwatobiloba It's the society, changing them could be an uphill task, it is best for the person decides to either live his life on his own terms or be forever inclined to be that person that wants everyone to like them

From my own perspective i believe if you should be a symbol of what you preach.
If a pastor come to the alter to preach how parent should bring their kid up without a reflection of what they are preaching on their kid, then i will say nobody will be ready to listen to such pastor.
When people make reference to a kid as a pastor on they are saying indirectly. Your father must have been preaching about this but yet none of it reflect on you.
It is not about other kid been able to make mistakes but been a reflection of who have bring you up @oluwatobiloba

yeah, you are right but it is important that people know that preacher's kid can make mistakes and they are not immortal beings. There are times the preacher will talk to them and they will still decide to follow their mind

You are right nobody is perfect

I will say this is Absolutely true because I'm a preacher kid,people look up to u,any mistake u make like this circulate more faster than the other kids in church they don't know that it's only the father that God called and not the kids.hmmmmm life of a preacher kid are sometimes frustrating, u just have to live according to rules I will stop here..

Hmmm, you are very correct, thanks a lot for stopping by.

This is absolutely true, anyone is bound to make mistakes. However, when your parents hold certain posts in the society, you have to be careful about how you do it. Some people criticize me concerning some things I do but I actually lost a large portion of my childhood to having to please the society.

What can we do my brother, we did not have a choice then but I think we have a choice now, the most important to me is to make sure it is lawful and modest.

I totally agree!

Thanks for stopping by.

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