Never chase a dog into a dead end street - (a morality tale)

in #prayer7 years ago (edited)

(actual pic of his fortune)

One day God took me to visit a troubled man. He wanted to offer Him a shot at life. This man was suffering, he was caught up in addiction spiraling down, and from the looks of it didn't have much time left. I spoke with God about what He wanted me to do. He decided to take us both to lunch. (stay with me here)

I could tell this man wasn't eating. He'd chosen drink over nutrition for far too long. (Alcoholism) We sat down to eat and God moved me to ask questions about his faith and how strong he was in knowing The Way. What we he wanted and if he hoped for better.

He said he believed in God as he told me how tired he was of going down that same old street. His exact analogy was; he felt like a dog braking out of the chains, but every time he broke free, he kept running to that same old dead end street.

I saw he was tired and knew he needed help. We spoke back and forth over lunch for over an hour.

I told Him of my relationship with The Holy Trinity and saw him questioning whether or not I was on the level.

He started to not take what we were talking about seriously so I asked him to pray with me and ask God to help with his troubles. We prayed. I thanked God for him and then God revealed Himself.

As we finished our prayer our waitress brought the check along with several fortune cookies. Just then he says I wish I had a way of knowing what it is God wants for me. I wish I could hear Him the way you do. I wish I had a sign from Him.

He opened up his cookie and his mouth dropped as he cried. I asked what was the problem and he showed me his fortune cookie.


The moral is this;

God will never forsake you, He's always with us. We just have to be willing to do what each of us are called to do in this world. We all know its not easy but if you try you'll make it. so pay attention to the signs, they're everywhere.

If you really want to know what to do with your life put your hands together and pray. God is listening.

Thanks for reading,
God bless you

@iamjamesmartinez #GraceToYou from #GodOurFather #JesusChrist and #TheHolySpirit #Author #Writer #Poet #Artist #Photographer #Filmmaker #Minister #JamesMartinez #IAMTheScientist #GodIsListening #HesAlwaysWithUs #HeWillNotForsakeYou #HaveFaith #LearnFromYourMistakes #LetLoveRule

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