Prayer Request Weekly Summary 9/10- 9/16

in #prayer-request6 years ago

Hi folks, many of you may be aware that I post a daily prayer request thread, have decided to do a weekly thread summarizing the specific none general requests of each past week for those who may have missed some of the requests and also to help maintain in prayer.

Any liquid earnings of this post will be transferred to the @christian-trail curating account which helps to support the community here with daily upvotes.

Thanks for praying brethren! God blesses abundantly those who pray and support those in need..

Matt. 18:19 - "if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."

If you have a prayer request visit my blog @wilx for the latest Daily Request post.

Also fellow believers visit the christian-trail forum tag (click tagged below) daily to support your fellow brethren's posts, click on New in the menu at the top to see the latest posts, also tag christian-trail to your christian related posts for max viewing and upvote support by the brethren.

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:10

The prayer requests, from oldest to newest:

@enjoywithtroy: I am working toward winding up the aftermath of mom's basement fire. I don't know if I can wind hings up on this trip but appreciate any prayers for this. Hope to ozone individual items and meet with some folks regarding the fire. Thanks so much.

@nayibe: I want to ask for Veruska, God give her the necessary wisdom to make the right decision for the benefit of her children and herself. I ask you Lord clarifies your mind.

@breakthrough: pray for the next great awakening to erupt over college campuses

@nayibe: For the tranquility of my brother's home, let the discussions in his house cease.

@nayibe: By Delida Esperanza that is being intervened by the eyes, I ask for prayer for her.

@mhm-philippines: Brethren! I want to thank you for your continued prayer for God’s Work in the Philippines. He has opened so many doors and we are engaged in fruitful ministry most every day. We have been traveling to remote villages, sometimes by boat. Deep into areas unreached with the Godpel and people are coming to Christ by the thousands.
We also have a praise report and an item that was brought for prayer here on this blog. God has provided for us and especially for the children’s ministry a vehicle. A very nice pickup truck. Hallelujah!
We have new ministry opportunities to schools, farmers cooperatives, newly elected government officials. It has truly been amazing.

Prayer request for wisdom and resources to plant a church and build a school in a remote island area with no church or school. Budget of $6,000 to build. I would travel to Pastor their each week until we had a solid group to take over.
Thank you our faithful family.
Daddy William


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It is wonderful to be daily asking for prayer here.
Blessings to all.

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