Prayer Request Weekly Summary 4/9 - 4/15

in #prayer-request6 years ago

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Thanks for praying brethren! God blesses abundantly those who pray and support those in need..

Matt. 18:19 - "if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."

If you have a prayer request visit my blog @wilx for the latest Daily Request post.

Also fellow believers visit the christian-trail forum tag (click tagged below) daily to support your fellow brethren's posts, click on New in the menu at the top to see the latest posts, also tag christian-trail to your christian related posts for max viewing and upvote support by the brethren.

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:10

The requests, from oldest to newest:

@breakthrough: pray for me and my team, in process of developing a church planting school to send young people to the nations of the earth bringing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. thanks @wilx haven't been around the platform this Spring but looking to get back in

@joechiappetta: Father, Please help my friend J.L. to fully commit to your ways, now and forevermore!

@marisolhidalgo: Blessings. I am a pastor in Venezuela, I ask for the prayer that God meets our needs, here everything is very difficult. There is a humanitarian crisis. Thanks.

@shirleynpenalosa: Good Saturday morning everyone, please include in your prayers our MOVE upcoming event (Youth Camp of our church) this June, 2018. Kindly pray for all the participants, the youth, pray that God will provide their needs (especially financial) this is going to be an event to reach out to more youth in our country and it aims to strengthen their relationship with God and their Christian walk, we also need more sponsors for the incoming participants, many love to join but they don't have the financial ability to come because there is a minimal fee to pay for their registration as well as their board and lodging (the venue is out of town). Pray that all participants will be encouraged, enlightened and strengthened to keep on following Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. God bless each one and thank you so much :-)

@giftedwords: Please join to pray that God should built my faith to drive away the spirit of fear. Lord give unto me in Jesus name.

@mhm-philippines: I appreciate the prayer from the people here every week. We are here in the Philippines to preach the Gospel. Win souls, make disciples, pray for the sick and set the captives free. Still need a vehicle for ministry. We have a friend that made a $5000 match challenge to help by a vehicle.
Thank you and God bless!

@botefarm: Am praying that the business am going into gives me good return.




You are doing a great job for the Christian Community in steemit. Keep it up. God does not owe any one.

God have answers our prayers I believe in my heart.I am wishing you my friend @wilx a happy week.

Thanks likewise God bless.

Always pray and never give up!

Thank you @wilx for this work you do here on steemit, so selflessly, may God bless you in abundance!

Prayer is a gift to be shared. One of the best ways to love others is to pray for them.

Right! This is the word.

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