Guide on Eight Types of Pranayama

What’s inside?

What is Pranayama?
Different Types of Pranayama
Types of Pranayama and Its Benefits

"All diseases can be removed by proper practice of pranayama and all sort of diseases can arise from improper practice" - Hatha Yoga Pradipika (2:16)

The above statement from the classical text on Hatha Yoga written in Sanskrit language by Nath Yogi Swatmarama in 1350 depicts the prominence our sages have given to Pranayama.

Ancient yogis and masters of yoga consider pranayama as means of attaining higher states of awareness and Samadhi. This article details the eight important types of pranayama, its benefits, and the instruction of practicing each pranayama.

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama or Expansion of life force

The word ‘Prana’ means breath or vital energy and the word ‘Ayama’ means to control, so pranayama means control of breath. As well know pranic energy is responsible for our life on earth. Pranayama is the process to increase the capacity of the body to retail prana. Through regulating breath by inhalation, exhalation, and retention, one learns to control prana. Pranayama normally practices after having an advanced stage of asana practice. Many mistook pranayama as a type of breathing exercise, but not all breathing exercises are pranayama.

Different Types of Pranayama

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Nadi Shodhana is one of the most important and advanced practices of purification of Nadis. Nadi Shodhana is practiced by controlling the inhalation, exhalation, retention, and the direction of the breath. Breath is inhaled, retained, and exhaled in the ratio of 1:4:2. Nadi Shodana is commonly known as 'Alternate Nostril Breathing.'

Bhastrika Pranayama

In Bhastrika, both inhalation and exhalation are forceful and the focus is on the force. Kapalbhati is an easier version of Bhastrika. Bandhas are applied during internal and external retentions. Breathing is relatively faster in this type.

Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi or Ocean Breath as the name denotes recreates the sound of ocean waves. Ujjayi in Sanskrit means ‘victorious or vibrating’. Ujjayi increases the solar energy in the body, enhances concentration and relieves mental fatigue. It also stimulates the astral channels in the astral body.

Shitali Pranayama

Shitali Pranayama is cool and refreshing breathwork. That’s why it has been named ‘Cooling Breath. ‘ Shitali Pranayama decreases the anxiety and pressure levels in the body as it has a cooling effect. In Shitali Pranayama breath is inhaled through the rolled tube-shaped tongue and exhaled through nostrils.

Sheetkari Pranayama

Sheetkari is practiced to calm down the mind and cool down the nervous system. Sheetkari improves the flow of lunar energy in the body. Here, the breath is inhaled through your teeth and exhaled through nostrils.

Brahmari Pranayama

It is a known fact that humming sound soothes mind and body. Brahmari or Humming Bee Breath as the name indicates should be sound like a humming bee and is very beneficial for improving concentration.

Anuloma and Viloma Pranayama

Anulom Vilom Pranayama, also called Alternate Nostril Breathing is one of the most commonly practiced yogic breathing techniques. In Anulom Vilom, the practitioner has to alternate the nostrils for breath, breath flow from the left to the right and right to the left. It is a type of controlled breathing and can be easily performed by practicing deep inhalation and exhalation. You have to alter between right and left nostril which means while using fingers, you have to restrict one nostril and breathe through the other nostril. Nadi Shodana Pranayama is the further level of Anulom Vilom Pranayama.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

In Sanskrit,‘Kapal’ means ‘skull’ and ‘Bhati’ means ‘shining.’ Together they mean ’Shining Skull.’
Kapalbhati is actually one of the six internal cleansing exercises (Shat Kriyas). It very effectively cleanses the entire respiratory system. Kapalbhati should not be practiced during pregnancy, people having high blood pressure, anxiety asthmatic attack, or during any abdominal pain or cramps.

Types of Pranayama and Its Benefits

Following are the general health benefits of pranayama if you are doing it regularly and become a part of your daily yoga routine. Practice pranayama after asana and before going for meditation.

• Improved cardiovascular and lung health
• Reducing anxiety and stress
• Increase concentration and peace
• Helps in detoxification
• Improves cognitive performances
• Managing blood pressure

Nadi Shodana: reducing asthma, cleanses the nadis, balances the three doshas and body temperature, improves blood circulation and immune system.

Bhastrika Pranayama: removes toxins, enhances digestion, decreases excess fat, purifies the blood.

Ujjayi Pranayama: stimulates the thyroid gland and vocal cord, helps to focus and improves the awareness, progresses blood circulation, helps lungs, chest and throat function, body cooling effect.

Shitali Pranayama: relieves tension and stress, enhances the health of eyes and skin, cools the body, lowers blood pressure and anger, increases alertness.

Sheetkari Pranayama: cools the body, Keeps teeth and gums healthy. In Sheetkari Pranayama the practitioner breathes through the mouth. This pranayama is also known as hissing breath by the method of its breathing. Shitali Pranayama and Sheetkari Pranayama are similar in nature and benefits and only differ in the way of breathing. In Shitali, breathing is done by folding the tongue whereas in Sheetkari Pranayama breathing is through teeth.

Bhramari Pranayama: refreshes and invigorates the mind, calms the body, reduces emotional conditions like stress, anxiety and anger, strengthen the health of vocal cords, relieves stress, improves concentration.

Anuloma&Viloma Pranayama: better respiratory, and cardiovascular health, helps to balance the hemispheres of the brain, purifies nadis, removes more waste products and stale air from lungs, brings equilibrium between the solar and lunar energies in the body, calms the mind.

Kapalabhati Pranayama: increases the capacity of the lungs and removes stale gases and old oxygen from the lungs, cleanses the nasal passage, drains the sinuses, eliminates accumulated mucus, strengthens the abdominal muscles.


The different types of pranayama range from simple breathing to complicated, advanced ones. People who like to follow a proper yogic lifestyle includes these breathing techniques along with their daily yoga practice. In fact, practicing pranayama will profoundly help an individual achieve control over the pranic energy and lead a healthy life.

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