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in #prameshtyagi7 years ago

A team that is bounded is well rounded ....and ready to face challenges before the team, inclusively.

Whilst the immediate effect of short out-bound team building initiatives is very limited, the ability of the human mind to draw and subsequently learn from experiences that it undergoes, is very high. In its quite space and time, the human mind re-gurggles information it picks-up and the experiences it goes thru with an intention to processes its self-preservatory learnings. Albeit, therefore the immediate impact of learning may appear less, the learning from such out-bounds is more than what people believe one can pick up from a short experience of such nature.

A once in 6 months, a serious out bound experience is strongly recommended for teams working in real-time on common team role-sets in a common space, to break the monotony of the mundane and reaffirm the lessons learnt of working together inclusively at the workplace.

Ignore such small investments at your larger peril.

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