How do you build Ownership..

in #prameshtyagi6 years ago


How do you build Ownership?

Leaders that I work with, often identify building ownership as one of the biggest challenges faced by them in the organization.

What can Leaders do to create ownership culture?

  1. Ask- Leaders must come out of the 'Tell' mode and instead do more 'Asking'. When people are asked for their opinions, ideas, suggestions- they tend to feel more involved and tend to take more responsibility.

  2. Listen- Leaders must spend more time listening to others. People tend to own the task, when they believe they have been listened to. This is true even if their own ideas were not implemented.

  3. Respect- Leaders must respect other people's ideas and opinions, even though they might be contrary to their own. Let your team know that you value their thoughts and you are open to other perspectives.

  4. Engage- Leaders must keep their team engaged during the whole process right from decision making to execution. Match people to their strengths and delegate work accordingly.

  5. Follow up- This is a critical step. Leaders along with their teams must mutually agree on review process and follow up without fail. Let your team know that you are there to support them and coach them through any challenges along the way.

What are your thoughts?

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