Enjoying what we do ...

in #prameshtyagi5 years ago



Remember when we first started out, in our career or when we began a relationship, how hungry we were?

How there was some much we wanted to accomplish, how eager we were to learn, how we grabbed every opportunity. Are we still that hungry?

Ditto in a relationship, how hungry we were to be with the other person, how happy to just spend time with them, how eager to do things for them. Are we still that hungry?

If the answer isn't yes then we know why we aren't making great strides at work, why the magic in our relationship seems to have dimmed. Time to reignite the hunger, bring back the enthusiasm and passion. Let's.

We spend our time angsting about how things will go. Will it be the best case scenario or the worst? Trouble is, we keep fearing the worst and giving it strength. But truth is we have no control over the outcomes.

So why not change the focus to what we can control? Ourselves.

Let's only see ourselves giving our best, being our best. Be it a presentation or dealing with a crisis, at a sporting match or an intense personal conversation. Let's see ourselves being awesome.

That's all that matters. Giving it all we've got. Enjoying what we do.


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