Eight Things You Need To Put Into Practice On Steemit Before 2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in #practice4 years ago (edited)

As we all know this year is coming to an end with just few days left (probably 7 to 8 days) and I also use this medium to wish everyone happy holiday and blissful enjoyment coming days ahead (since you just wana enjoy your delicious meal alone without inviting me ☹️).

As a Steemit user, I have heard different reports and cases from newbies who claim to be frustrated with how Steemit operates when it comes to curating or earning upvotes for their activities on the platform. Some of them claim that no one reads their posts while some of them were complaining about the the low upvotes or rewards they earn for their post after putting so much hard work. These factors has actually led to lots of newbies and minnows quitting Steemit. Anyway, if you fall into this category I think there are actually some things you should start putting into practice before this year ends so that you can get addicted to the practice by 2020 and I hope we all win together.

It's time to let the cat out of the bag! I hope the below practices will help you a lot in 2020 if done consistently.

#1 START PROVIDING QUALITY CONTENTS: This is actually referring to the content creators or writers on Steemit. I know how it feels after giving all your best in creating quantity or long content and you end up with low upvotes. I think there may be actually something wrong with the quality of your post. This is why some experienced Steemit users will always tell you that quality sometimes beat quantity. This implies that you need to capture the heart of your audience or anyone reading your post such that they will have to keep asking for more which increases your number of followers and post rewards.

In summary, there is more to providing quality content other than making your post long or lengthy (this must stop in 2019). Always make sure you provide good quality content when creating content or writing articles on Steemit as this can boost your chances of increasing your followers and earning more on the steem blockchain in 2020.

I also hope to write about how you can create quality post/content on Steemit (probably next year, don't miss it 😁) which will explain the concept of your post tittle/topic, pictures, tags and body of content.

#2 START MAKING NEW FRIENDS/ NETWORKING : Making friends/networking is actually one of the best habit you need to start developing on Steemit before 2020. The previous point (step #1) can actually make you achieve this by replying to people's comments on your quality post in a friendly manner and from there you tend to have more friends. You must also ensure you make friendly comments on people's posts which tend to increase your level of interaction between them.

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A good advantage of making friends on Steemit is that apart from earning support on your blog posts, you are open to various opportunities that can add more value to you as an individual. I have made lots of friends on on Steemit and I am still making more friends. I am also boastful to tell you that I have learnt a lot from my friends on Steemit.

In summary, if you aren't used to making friends on Steemit in 2019, I think it's high time you start putting it into practice before the beginning of 2020.

#3 BE PART OF A COMMUNITY: Do we still have Steemit users who aren't part of a community in the steem blockchain? I actually don't think so though 😕. There are many advantages of being part of a community such as earning more Upvote and resteem from community account, interacting with members of your community, and many other benefits attached. I am actually part of various community such as #curie, #steemjet, #airhawk-exchange, #wafrica, musing and many others. I can remember I earned upvote from @airhawk-exchange and @wafrica via discod channel during post review.

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Further integration of the steem blockchain has also led to the development or production of hive community which seems to be trending on Steemit. You can now join different hive communities on Steemit as a result of the recent development on the steem blockchain.

In summary, it's advisable you start searching for community to join on Steemit as this year is coming to an end before 2020 take it's place.

#4 START MAKING USE OF STEEM DAPPS: Decentralized applications built on steem blockchain helps you to earn more Steemit rewards depending on what's been printed by the steem blockchain. You may also earn yourself #smt(smart media Tokens) provided the dApp is synchronized with SMT.

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Most great earners on Steemit are actually found of using dApps to make their posts on the steem blockchain. I have also been part of the league 😁. I could remember I do make use of Musing to earn more rewards just by asking and answering questions on Steemit. There are many dApps you can utilize on Steemit to earn more upvote and you also tend to meet with people using the same dApp.

In summary, if you haven't heard of DApps like #busy, #ulogs, #musing, #esteem, #tasteem, #appics and many others, it's high time you start searching for various #dApps for use before 2020.

#5 AVOID PLAGIARISM AND SPAMMING: There are actually some bodies responsible for detecting plagiarized content and spams which are @steemcleaners and @cheetah. Plagiarism is a sin on Steemit and you may end up getting flagged by whales or @steemcleaners once you are caught.

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If you actually managed your way through out 2019 plagiarizing different content, it's advisable you stop such act before 2020 because we all want to achieve great things on the steem blockchain by doing what is right and not what is wrong.

#6 APPLY THE GOLDEN RULE: Another important point is to always apply the golden rule in whatever you intend to do on the steem blockchain. The golden rule states that "Do unto others what you want to be done to you". You should start asking yourself how many quality post have I upvoted and resteemed ? How many valuable posts have commented on? And how many beneficial people have I followed on Steemit?

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The fact is that if you want your post to be appreciated, start appreciating other people's posts. If you want your quality post to be upvoted, start Upvoting other people's quality post. The more good you do for others, more goodness will also be done to you in return.

#7 NEVER GIVE UP: I can remember back then when I came into Steemit with reputation of 25, I had to start meeting and asking different questions from people with higher reputation and some whales on the platform. I could remember everyone answer was "you have to be consistent on Steemit and don't give up".

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Consistency and persistency is actually one of the best habit you need to start developing on Steemit before 2020 because it will actually make you successful on Steemit. The fact is that most Steemians whom you see with high reputation value were once at reputation 25 but their consistency and hard work kept them growing on the steem blockchain.

In summary, always make sure you are consistent in whatever you do and don't give up because you might not actually know how close you are to success.

#8 DO WHAT YOU KNOW BEST : There is a popular adage that says "you can't give what you don't have". The mistake some of us do make is that we actually try to fit in niches we have no knowledge about just because some people earn huge upvote with that particular niche. There are different niches on Steemit, you just have to focus on the niche which is best for you because no one else can do better than you in your niche. Your niche is actually something you own just like a talent you possess.

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There is also nothing bad in trying to fit into different niches, it actually depends on how flexible you are when it comes to learning and adapting. I as an individual I have more than two niches because I can write, I can tutor, I can also engage in vlogging and I can eat Xmas/New year delicious meals 😊(that's just a joke by the way before you start seeing me as a lover
of food ☹️).

In summary, stay true to yourself and start doing what you love and what you are very good at. You can be good at writing, or teaching or vlogging or writing blog post on a particular niche. You just need to focus on your niche and stop imitating other people who seem to know what their talent are. Discover yourself and focus on your talent before 2020.

I will have to wrap up my points here since we all gonna be preparing for the festive season. I wish you a happy holidays and I hope we all gonna meet in 2020 with full greatness and happiness. You are also free to add your points about things you think every Steemians should start putting into practice before 2020. Thank you for your time. 😊


Dear @hardaeborla

Thank you for sharing your publication with me buddy. And big thx for your kind wishes. I wish you too "blissful enjoyment coming days ahead" :)

Some of them claim that no one reads their posts
Majority of those people probably do not read other users posts themselfs. Somehow people tend to believe that their content should promote itself, reach wide audience and that this audience should read it too. It ain't working that way. Right?

This is why some experienced Steemit users will always tell you that quality sometimes beat quantity.

Neither one or the other matters that much in my opinion. You can write best stuff ever, but noone will care. Building engagement is the key.

One of the most efficient ways of "promoting" your content is: spending few hours reading publications posted by other users and engaging with them in comment section. Majority of users will check your profile and there is a chance that they will be interested with your latest post.

Upvoted already,
Yours, Piotr

One of the most efficient ways of "promoting" your content is: spending few hours reading publications posted by other users and engaging with them in comment section. Majority of users will check your profile and there is a chance that they will be interested with your latest post.

Wow! Well said @crypto.piotr.. I think I will start putting this into practice. You are absolutely right about this. Building relationship with people can actually help you achieve a lot on the steem blockchain.

Thanks for your lovely comment and I hope you enjoy your festive holiday with love from @hardaeborla 💕❤️💕


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @rem-steem.

@helpie is a Community Witness.

@helpiecake and @rem-steem.... Thanks for your support 😊❤️

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