Bible Prophecy and Why It Matters. “The Coming Economic Collapse, Reset and How to Practically Prepare”. Part 4

in #practically6 years ago

I will do a quick recap, because the information I am sharing is extremely important and timely so you can prepare before the next financial collapse happens.

• The main problem is TOO MUCH DEBT GLOBALLY
• The extreme LOW INTEREST RATES for the last 9 years has created THREE MASSIVE BUBBLES. Stocks, Bonds and Real-Estate.
• We are in the 2nd longest stock market expansion in history, and we are over due to a market crash. The nice people call it a recession.
• The Central Banks and Governments will do all kinds of financial magic, but eventually all there hocus pocus will fail.
• We are also 47 years after the last monetary RESET (1971), and therefore overdue for a new system as the current one is beyond repair. Average RESETS happen every 30 to 40 years.
• We are heading fast towards a cashless society, and some form of cryptocurrency most likely centralized which is exactly the opposite of what Satashi Nakamoto (founder of Bitcoin) envisioned.
• I believe the initial RESET will include GOLD to stabilize the global financial crisis. A good possibility is a SDR basket of currencies with a partial or greater GOLD backing to stabilize the global financial system.

Some Christian think by preparing they are not trusting God or have lack of faith, but I 100% disagree with this mindset based on biblical precedence. When Noah was instructed the build the Ark, he carefully prepared for the coming flood and ensured he had enough food for his family and all the animals for well over one year. When Joseph interpreted Pharaohs dream, seeing seven years of plenty and seven years of severe famine he saved up 20% of all the grain each year when there was abundance. Was this lack of faith or wisdom? I believe it was wisdom.

My point is this, there is nothing wrong with preparing in advance if you see a possible crisis coming. Proverbs 27:12 “The Prudent see danger coming and do something the simpleton or the fool does nothing and suffers the consequences." We buy car insurance, life insurance and home insurance. Why? We are preparing in case we have a serious life event to protect our possessions and loved ones. God has given us common sense and wisdom to prepare, and as long as we are not putting our trust in stuff or money then I feel it is the proper thing to do.

So where do we start? I have taught a course which I developed called “The Power of a Day Retreat” and I have practiced this myself for over 20 years. I do them quarterly. The premise of a day retreat is to honestly evaluate your life and re-calibrate commitments with asking Jesus, “how am I doing in this area of my life”? I look at 5 areas of my life that I believe are the most important for us to focus on. I look at FIRST my walk with God, I call it “Alive in Christ”. Second, “Relationally Growing” which looks at my most important relationships (mainly the CORE). Third, “Healthy and Fit”, how am I doing in my general health and fitness? Fourth, “Restoring the Soul”, and this evaluates how am I doing emotionally, and this allows me to see if I have any toxic stuff inside like unforgiveness (to self or others), bitterness or even unhealthy beliefs. Finally, I consider with Jesus my “Career and Wealth Management”.

I have said this for many years, if we fail to get the FIRST area right in our life, our walk with Jesus and truly being “Alive in Christ”; then ALL other areas of our life will go out of balance and eventually lead to a serious crisis. Whether a relationship breakdown, serious health issues, becoming a workaholic or being eaten alive inside because we carry unforgiveness or bitterness. Generally most people are WAY TO BUSY with TOO MANY TIME COMMITMENTS.

Get FIRST things FIRST, make sure you are walking humbly and dependently upon Christ DAILY. Be a women or man of the WORD. I have never meet a solid or mature Christian who does not LOVE God’s Word and daily reads and studies it! Be in regular and meaningful Christian Fellowship, and that does NOT mean when you feel like it or once a month. Communicate daily and often with our Heavenly Father and Jesus, surrender daily to their will and open your heart and spiritual ears to hear their voice. Intimacy with God is absolutely essential.

Christian disciplines are extremely important to a vital walk with God; fasting at times as God leads when you need breakthrough for yourself and others. Finding your niche in the Kingdom to serve is important and sharing your faith as God opens doors in people lives as you are build trusting relationships. If we get our DAILY WALK wrong by being LEGALISTIC and living in HABITUAL SIN or choose to live a “Christianity LIGHT” version which is backslidden in heart. We need to REPENT and get back on track. God has called us into a COVENANT relationship that cost Him His precious Son’s BLOOD and very LIFE and He deserves a life of daily surrender and dependency on the Holy Spirit. He has NEVER asked us to “give it our best shot” or “try harder”; NO, he was given us the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT if you are BORN AGAIN, so we can LIVE for CHRIST DAILY and walk in His marvelous LOVE with God and other people. This needs to be our NUMBER ONE PRIORITY.

Second, we will need meaningful and trusting relationships. When things go bad in life (like a major financial crisis) having people who love us and help us practically is extremely important. But this needs to be reciprocal. Depending how challenging things become, have a tight knit group of 10 to 15 people with varying skillsets, supplies and passions will be essential. You will need one strong leader, who is very level headed and knows what to do in a crisis and knows how to delegate. Each person will need to contribute daily and work together.

Third, you will need to build up 3 to 6 months of essential foods (canned or non-perishable), medical supplies, baby or child things, animal food and supplies if you have a pet, and survival gear which may include a way to defend yourself if things get really bad! In survival your TOP items are 1). SHELTER (protect yourself from the elements, wind, rain, cold, heat, etc.). 2). Clean abundant WATER is critical or the ability to purify water. 3). Ability to make a FIRE and sustain it for cooking and warmth. 4). Proper clothing (number 1 reason people die in nature is EXPOSURE, 3 degrees to HOT or COLD can kill you. 5). FOOD, having healthy foods, including protein, fiber, and healthy carbs for energy. 6). Purchase 2 or 3 a top-rated survival guides BEFORE the crisis. 7). Have several light sources, candles, flashlights, solar generated light, matches, etc.

Fourth, if the crisis becomes prolonged you will need things to barter with. So, when you build up your stock, add a bit extra. Due your homework, there are several key things that are excellent to barter with.

Fifth, having physical precious metals (Gold & Silver) outside the banking system is VERY IMPORTANT. Whether we have deflation, inflation or ultimately hyperinflation historically precious metals have been a great insurance policy. In fact, there is a significant possibility you could have HUGE gains. Have a 5 to 10-year time horizon if you decide to go with PM and remember when the price goes crazy consider selling some or all.

Sixth, get out of DEBT as soon as possible, and do NOT add any more. Last week Argentina had to increase interest rates to 40% in one week due to a currency crisis. There are lots of stressed countries, banks and corporation due to TOO MUCH DEBT. As I have re-stated several times we have the biggest DEBT BUBBLE in all of human history. Extreme things happen VERY FAST when the crash begins, have having NO DEBT will be a HUGE blessing. As we learned in 2008 it was only the banks and mega corporations that got bailed out and expect the same. There will be NO DEBT JUBILEE for the working-class person, only BANKRUPTCY.

Seven, have 3 to 6 months CASH outside the banking system. I don’t care where you hide it, just do it. All G20 Nations have BAIL-IN Laws, meaning they will shut down the banks when things get really bad and you will have NO ACCESS to your cash until they decide to reopen the banks. It could be weeks or months, so be prepared. Governments will do CAPITAL CONTROLS, which means you will have to stand in HUGE lines for hours and hours in hopes of getting a $100 (or whatever number they allow) out of the bank. This could go on for weeks, just research what happened in Cyprus or Greece and it was very difficult to go through.

In conclusion, walk closely and dependently upon Jesus daily and live for Christ in whatever calling God has entrusted you with. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh and give you the wisdom you need for the days we live in. Ask Jesus to guide your heart, speak to you, and take the appropriate steps He leads to in, and DON’T expect everyone to understand. If you are married, make sure you and your spouse seek God together and walk in unity and love. If God speaks to both of your hearts regarding anything, then step out in FAITH and do what He tells you. Obedience is critical and almost always it precedes blessing.

Well, that ends the series on the coming financial crisis, the reset and how to prepare. It was not intended to cover EVERYTHING but is it a good start for you to consider and seek God for direction. Next week, we will transition to “The Rise of a One World Government”.

From a friend, Bill W…if you have found these studies insightful and encouraging pass them on to a friend! Maranatha…Our Lord, come!

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