More than $10M worth of masks, protective gear left in the rain outside Bay Area event center. Hear what the CEO and the County Supervisor have to say. As reported by ABC 7 local news in California.

in #ppe2 years ago (edited)

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See a video report on this here with special guest Andy.

More evidence of PPE being dumped in CA verified! Photos and footage!

The ABC 7 News uncovers several millions of dollars worth of PPE considered to be needed was left outside in the rain. These millions of dollars worth of personal protective equipment were purchased by Your Tax Dollars they report! Do you find this interesting?

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According to Dan Noyes, the investigative reporter on the scene, "This seems hard to believe, top county officials didn't know that thousands of boxes of PPE were moved outside and forgotten for months until I told them!"

We have been told now for years by certain groups these are desperately needed, yet stacks of boxes of what are considered precious PPE were collapsing under the water and weight. Too many to count!

  • Hospital gowns in all different sizes
  • Pallets of Face Shields
  • Vented Goggles
  • Various types of coveralls

I watched ER docs use this PPE [some of them] when I recently did a stint with someone in the ER who had pneumonia and clotting.

I also had to use PPE, I didn't use it in the ER when assisting, but was required when the patient was moved to ICU even though I had already been caring for the patient for almost two weeks with no PPE including no face covering and even slept in the same room as someone diagnosed with something said to be deadly.

When trying to get answers as to why the county would allow this, he is asked by a security officer if someone invited him?

Noyes let him know he didn't need an invitation. The Security officer did not appear to like this.

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Dana Stoher, the CEO of the so called non-profit San Mateo Event Center.

Check out how these people think they are above being questioned even though we are led to believe the press is supposed to be free to do so for the good of the populace.

The CEO claimed she could not discuss this situation with the reporter, but he asked as her job wasn't it her job to give an answer for what had been done with the tax payers' money?

She claimed it was fully taken care of "exactly the way it should have been."

Do you find that interesting?

County Supervisor, David Canepa disagrees!

He says they should acknowledge that they made a mistake and the public has to know.

How costly was that mistake?

From DWL Studios Non Sterilized Gowns.
A salesman said they go for $7.50 each.
The pallet shown in the footage comes to $18,000.

Goggles with vents $3.89 each
Pallet total is $478 for just one box among Many seen allowed to be ruined.

Also included in what was being allowed to waste were 900 Mop Bucket Ringers that sell for $70.00 each
A total of $63,000.

Noyes also found boxes and boxes of mop handles that run $25.00 each.

Mike Gallagy, the San Mateo County Manager.

Gallagy agreed it was safe to say there was over a million PPE.

Gallagy also said he did not know about all that PPE sitting out there for months until Noyes told him.

He ordered county workers to bring the supplies back inside so they could inventory them and see how much of it was salvageable.

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That is Not a small sum to working class America!

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Noyes had someone confirm that it was over $10 million of PPE and within the last two months garbage trucks have been picking up some and taking it to the dump.

What a massive waste of tax payers' money!

More than $10M worth of masks, protective gear left in the rain outside Bay Area event center

Told in ER clots could be caused by Covid-19. Why this may be happening and a protocol without Remdesivir. What is a tPA or tissue plasminogen activator and what it does.

From FB post on 1.18.2022

Pertinent questions many cue haters have.

Assange was not left to rot Jon. He has Always been Right Where he needs to be for a specific purpose. Those who cannot see it is all theater to get people to wake up are the same ones that have never seen this all has to be played out so people Rise Up and not wait on someone to just save their hides.

Not everyone has to See the Plan in order for us to continue forward. If the public didn't see First Hand with their own two eyes how corrupt these people were/are. . .they would just slip back into lethargy, submission to a traitorous federal government rather than understanding what many have started to see - state rights Trump Federal and that Federal government isn't just filled with a bunch of over bearing, over reaching fat cats, but they have been infiltrated with foreign predators who pad their pockets. It was a captured operation as you likely know and there is Only one way to handle that while mitigating damage to the civilian population.

Too many are still thinking inside the box. #ExpandYourThinking this isn't about Trump, he told you all, he could take their arrows and slings [welcomes them] because even in their Trump hate, the cognitive dissonance appears to be reverberating. There are flashes of light, a ringing of the earth that cannot be denied. People are seeing more and more who the true enemy/enemies are and it was Never Trump. Trump only in office for 4 years so who really helped put them onto the road of destruction and defeat?

Case in point of how it will continue to go down.
Have you seen what happened in Myanmar?
For that matter how about Kazakhstan?

Patience? Yes, it takes patience as there is no way around it.
Why weren't you and others Impatient during the decades long of the corrupt Bush family, during the Carter era, how about all the populace tolerated during the Clinton regime? Have you seen how far Their fingers reached into Myanmar and Kazakhstan?

Time to sit up and take notice. . .the plan has been in place all along. Devolution has been in play and too many are sitting on the sidelines still harping about yesterday's news. Sad.

People can choose to join in what is going to be a Victory for the people over these corrupt leaders or they can stay stuck in the box the traitors put them in. It is each person's choice for themselves!

I told you I HAVE. I don't say things lightly either! Their attempts to make Watkins out to be a buffoon says it all! You do know who was behind exposing the dominion They [controllers] Think they have don't you? Any mystery why they have it in for Watkins then?

We're NOT talking cue. . .get your focus off of cue for a moment. . .cue is not the end all and does not make my decisions for me, I Make my own decisions and take my orders from a Higher Command. Even in taking my orders and utilizing training I make the choice as to what I believe through disCERNment and looking at the Whole picture, not just a tiny portion. If you are special forces, you also were trained to do that. Time for the training to Kick In!

So you know what I know. . .no mystery then. You're saying what I just told you in an earlier response. . .there is No Savior for what is going on in this realm. [Saviors in Walking Dead much?]. Have you seen that series? If you haven't you should.

Remember, I said Trump, nor cue, nor religion, politicians are going to rush to our rescue.
My message has always been consistent - The people of planet Terra Must save themselves.

Universal law is No Interference by benevolent beings so why would it change just because of Trump and cue hate? C'mon you know better than that as do I.

If you saw the Walking Dead the saviors were just as they present themselves in "reality," False Saviors. They create the chaos and destruction, then they offer to come in to save you as long as the populace is willing to give up more rights including paying more for goods and services. They also come along and build up what They Destroyed heaping more profits for their corporate controlled entities. It's a Win/Win for them and nothing but a Loss for humanity!

As you know this extends world wide, thus the Haiti predators from the Clin___ cabal right?

Jon, you asked the following question,
"I’m getting kicking out for refusing the poison shot. Ask yourself, would that be happening if the military was secretly fighting the evil?"

The answer is an emphatic YES! What makes you think for one second that military isn't infiltrated? Once again my messaging and info that I put out there has been consistent for Years. . .All Sectors of Society have been infiltrated by Traitors. Not just traitors to what people perceive as the political structure. . .no InfilTRAITORS to the people. Who the Republic always referred to as "We the People!"

Of Course they are infiltrated by posers and those sold out to the side of evil, otherwise there would have never been the Majestic 12, the military industrial complex and all of those projects where Stanford used it's virtue signaling "trust" as an arm to carry out it's projects like Stargate and others you are likely well aware of.

Now just as there are evil infiltraitors, there are also those who have infiltrated their wicked sectors on the side of good. You know Full Well anyone in the upper echelon of the military dedicated to ending their evil isn't going to let Bid*n have access to the suitcase. You likely also know this goes back to Eisenhower.

This is a literal war Not just between political parties, not just between Trump Supporters and haters, not just between Woke and the Awakened. . .but rather between Good and Evil. We're not just talking spell casting in the principalities, but on a physics level. God created those physics which is why on His timetable and in the End #GodWins.

You can choose to stand in frustration, clearly others choose to stand in Fear to the propaganda pumped out on those frequencies which btw are controlled as you now by physics. . .or you can choose to stand outside of the chaos and view the situation from the stand point of knowing those committed to empowering the People to save themselves have continued working behind the scenes by observing the Power of the People standing up against the evil in the Rockefeller controlled school system and the states that said "No" to Bid*n's tyrannical mandate. The Win may not be as quick as you or others would like, but the Only Way forward is for people to see for themselves that they Must be involved. They can't leave it up to someone else or another generation or they will run out of people who Take a Clear and Definitive STAND! They have to see for themselves what happens if they Don't choose to stand and just cave under pressure to give up their rights. [In the Name of Public Health much? ] Do you remember it Jon? The rest of the title from a medical journal was a Nazi Health Hygiene and they call us the Nazi's. Really?

The above questions and responses from comment section of this post link,

Follow up report.

Luke Markham and his wife saw information on this report on TikTok and realized they saw something similar in their county!

His wife noticed that the ICU Eyewear Incorporation was the same place they had seen in their area on Sheldon Drive.

They wondered if they were letting it sit around in another county, what was going on over at Sheldon Drive?

Fair question right?

The Markhams messaged Dan Noyes and he met them in Hollister the next day.

He found this. . .thousands of boxes of PPE stacked high!

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Containing millions of plastic face shields. Some of the columns on the verge of collapsing!

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Fork lifts loading them onto flatbeds.

Dan followed the trucks to a nearby recycling center and saw the face shields going to the shredder!

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Luke Markham says, "To throw away PPE? That's outrageous! I'm a covid survivor." He states, "This is still a Pandemic!"

He continues, "We are going in to year number three, this is not okay!"

Markham took his complaint to his County Supervisor.

Bea Gonzales is the Board Chair.

Gonzales discovered these masks were being destroyed at the request of the Federal Government.

Dan asks, why would the Federal Government be requiring San Benito County and this business to destroy face shields in a pandemic?

Bea Gonzales states, "That I could not answer you, and as I said, there are more questions than answers."

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"And the further the questions we ask, the bigger the hole gets!"

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ICU Eyewear CEO, Kirk Hobbs declined to be interviewed on camera, or have a recorded phone conversation.

Hobbs claimed there was no market for the face shields and that they were not being ordered by the federal government to be shredded.

So who do you think is telling the truth?

Hobbs also claimed the staff looked for some place to donate the face shields, but failed.

He claims they put in a great deal of effort to find a place where they can be used.

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Do you know places that needed more PPE?

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Supervisor Gonzales is concerned about PPE being destroyed and about the impact on the county landfill.

Supervisor Gonzales states, they "have an issue with their landfill in that they are in the 15 year life capacity. So does this refuse being put into our landfill belong somewhere else?"

ICU told Dan Noyes that by shredding some of the face shields, their company would be able to recoup some of the tariffs they paid to China to import them.

More tips coming in to the news station of even more PPE being left to sit out.

Check out just a few of the comments from this report!

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I find this,

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Upon more searching this comes up,

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Interesting as it is the same address!

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Corporations Always Changing Corporation Names as the song We Built This City stated?

Lyrics in We Built This City,

It's just another Sunday
In a tired old street
Police have got the choke hold, oh
Then we just lost the beat

Who counts the money underneath the bar?
Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?
Don't tell us you need us 'cause we're the ship of fools
Looking for America, coming through your schools

Do you SEE it?

We were Sick of
"sinking in your fight all globalists and cabal owned corps or corporations". #NoMoreCorporationGames, #TheyreAlwaysChangingCorporationNames, (What was the forerunner to FB. AOL?) #TheyCallUsIrresponsibleAndWriteUsOffThePage, WE'RE STILL STANDING in Spite Of YOU! You are Not sitting so pretty. #WhiteRabbit!

See a Facebook Frames on this Zoom/ICU corp and the news report to hear the County Supervisor here,

Facebook Frames What the County Supervisor in San Benito has to say about PPE being shredded including face shields. See the company who claims to recoup some of their tariff costs if they have it shredded Verified in an ABC 7 News Report! Do you find this curious?

How does this make you feel?
What are your thoughts on this?

'Outrageous': Shredding of face shields at California recycling center raises serious questions

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