Nipissing Pow Wow 2018

in #powwow6 years ago


2 days ago I had the blessings of attending quite a beautiful event.

It is the 2nd year that I go to this amazing ceremony, giving me chills and vibrations just hearing the sacred drum.

This year, the Pow Wow was for healing; resilient past and confident future. I am so happy for this one and so thankful to have been there.

The very first time I went to a Pow Wow, I will never forget this, hearing the grandmother drum was so powerful. I felt it, not just hear it. I felt it within, and even my youngest, without ever being there before, felt it and couldn't help herself. She moved with the drum, the same way as the dancer's did without even looking at them. It was huge, it was sacred. The first ceremony, the awakening of the earth is always the one that moves me the most. My eyes fill with tears.

After the opening ceremony it was announced that 30 years ago, not that long ago, on the same grounds they hold their ceremonies in Nipissing, Ontario; the Canadian government had laws in order to keep them from dancing, holding their ceremonies. 30 years ago! Not that long ago. But they were resilient, and they fought and today, they continue to dance, celebrate life, the creator, all beings and spirits. And they do it with such beauty, it really is magical.

After the first 3 songs by host drum Young Eagle, also with co-host drum, The Ottawa River Singers, we were allowed to take out our cameras and be a part of some of their dances.


The first dance in which we could take pictures was a healing dance for people they know needing help with healing. The women in their jingle dresses we just gorgeous. The sound of their dresses in unison of the drum, was so amazing.
If you would like to know more about the jingle dancers and their regalia, this site here has a great explanation.


One thing I was looking forward to again was seeing the Benson brothers dance. Last year their dance had me captivated. Their story was one of hunters hunting for birds. He had his tomahawk in hand, his regalia on and danced his story beautifully. Made me want to be part of the hunt. Be there spiritually and be part of his tribe.
Getting to see the brothers this year was a treat.

This is Sandy

His brother Ned

This year was a bit different. They told their hunting story through dance but with this brother leading the tribe, guiding them to follow.


Sorry for the bad photography, so many people, lot's of movement and excitement came into play.


Last year I thought it was perhaps disrespectful to take any pictures knowing that so many were doing that already. But this year I wanted to keep the memories, so I took quite a few. Even got to take a picture with Sandy Benson.


With this ceremony being about healing I took the opportunity to ask this jingle dancer to dance for a friend of mine.
When I saw her, her dance spoke to me, her regalia and her movements plus being a mother is the reasons why I had to ask her in particular for my friend.


Here she is dancing for her, with the tobacco I offered in a red material pouch in her hand she danced in her honour. For me this ceremony was held for her, as for many others, but the timing for this annual pow wow could not have been any better. Holding her there in spirit, dancing to the sacred drum was the best thing I could do. Love you my friend!


Sometimes we need to step out of ourselves, look beyond our lives and think of others. Many struggles, many fights in all different ways. It is important to think and pray for them, hold them in spirit in the ways you can. We are all one being, we are all together. Let's be one all together and praise the life that we have. Being thankful to the earth for what we are given.

Here are a few more pictures I took during the Pow Wow. I am thankful to have been there and grateful for what they do.




I love all the colors in the clothing, and outfits. nothing drab about being happy, and dancing for health and healing. Very nice of Sandy Benson to agree to the picture, and he looks like he is happy to do it also.

I was actually very shy to ask and felt bad for asking, I really didn't want to be disrespectful, but also I didn't want to forget these moments and if ever he and his brother stop attending the pow wows for any reason, I have this to remember them by. They are my favorite people to see there.
The other thing that made him happy was that I offered him tobacco when asking for the picture. He stated that the offering in exchange for a photo is happening less and less and when I offered it was like the highlight of his day. I could have never done it any other way. Respect needs to be there 100%. And I have nothing but love and respect for them.

I will have to remember if I go to a pow wow to take a pack of smokes with me, just in case. I would like to see one one day.

Not sure if smokes work the same as it is full of chemicals. Would have to ask. I used some from the leaves of a tobacco plant my mother inlaw grew. My plant is not quite ready yet.
I hope you get to witness it one day. I don't think there is anything more powerful.

What an awesome experience! I am so thankful that you were able to share with us. I especially enjoy the pictures.
I like you often wonder in any situation that feels sacred about taking pictures. But it is really nice for those of us who get to have a peek.

Yes definitely. The MC gave the permission and told us the rules about picture taking. Follow those rules and all will be fine. But what I did notice is I was more behind the camera than I was being part of it. Next time I wont need to grab the camera. I have everything I wanted to capture. Now it is time to be in the moment once again :D

I think that really captures how I feel about those type of situations. I much prefer to put everything aside and really be open to taking in the experience.
I love times when you can just feel the energy of an event.
Still I am thankful I got to see your pictures.

Love you too, my friend xoxo

TAMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I am happy to see you on Steemit again :P Much love!

beautiful photographs! Their costumes are stunning. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you, their regalia's are most splendid and stunning for sure!

Excellent photos and post. It is sad that North American governments suppressed these ceremonies, but I'm afraid that other unfair practices continue to this day, at least in the US. My great grandmother was half Native American, but tried to hide that fact because there was so much discrimination.

Proud member of #steemitbloggers @steemitbloggers

It is true, it continues on and to think in this day that it is like that!

I am thinking that is the same reason that I cannot find much information about the one part of my family being Native American. A lot of the files withheld in churches were burned years ago as well, making it even harder to find out what's what. One day I will find out. Just a matter of time :)

What a wonderful photo-journal! This is a lovely series and a beautiful narration to accompany it! Thanks for sharing this with #steemitbloggers 😊

You are welcome and thank you for reading my blog. This is something I believe to be so important to share. Much respect to you!

So beautiful. It is a wonderful thing to keep the traditions of your ancestors alive. You do a great service to them by sharing this post. And thank you for sharing with is outsiders. Wonderful to see such a great participation.

I myself am not First Nation. I have been told that there is Huron and Iroquois in my family but the information is hard to find. I am on the pursuit of getting that information. Nevertheless, I find myself to still be a part of these great people for many reasons and I respect them highly. It is a blessing to have been invited in their dance ceremony when it is something so sacred.

These traditions must stay alive. And I will forever share what I can and what I am allowed to. Thank you for your reply. People like you is what help these tribes live on. xxx

Wow such an amazing experience! You are so fortunate to have been able to have been a part of it! I love the pictures, the clothes are so beautiful and bright! I can only imagine the atmosphere there! :D

An amazing experience it was for sure and I cannot begin to describe how fortunate I am. To be there is a gift.
The atmosphere... it's hard to describe it. It's like the drum, the singing and dancing comes to get you from inside you, calling you, pulling you. It's huge and like nothing else.

Wow! It looks magical! What a lovely culture to experience! Thanks for sharing!

It is! The more I see and the more I learn the more I want to be a part of. Thank you for coming by and enjoying my post ^_^

Wow, it must be so amazing to take part of that. Those photos look so amazing. Hope you were able to enjoy it! Thanks for sharing this with us!

I was definitely able to enjoy it and more. My 5 yr old daughter was with me and when we danced in the circle she was very inventive on her steps, being sure she would get it the right way. It was very important to her and that, to me, is incredible as it was so natural for her to want to be part of it. She never wants to dance in front of anyone but this was different. She felt it all. With everything taking place, the healing and my daughter, it was absolutely amazing to take part of it for sure.

I'm happy to hear that you guys were able to enjoy. I'm glad your daughter was able to express herself during the dance. You must be so proud of her. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me, that sounded like a very fun experience. Have a great day!

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