The Eldest Butchubbles Sextuplets' Springtime Walk

in #powerpuff4 years ago

This piece of Butchubbles and Butchubbles next-gen fan art, which is part of xSugarInferno's and the WeLovePPG group's Spring and Summer contest for the months of May and June, is dedicated to klumitea, Fofurastro, Gashi-gashi, Lance-the-young, AuronTsubaki1985, PurpleWonderPower, Lolanumber111, Suriael, nintendomaximus, GeoffNET, Kiciaukens, TakaneTan, puppet-puppy, ScarletGhostX, Baliya, celesse, Lady-Of-The-Death, jailbaitCAT, Enthriex, pumpkinpeaches1, streaksketcher, Moonstone27, Pronon1990, and Vega-Sailor-Cosplay who celebrated their birthdays ranging a few weeks ago all the way up to today.

So, I hope you all had such magnificent birthdays and I wish you a lot of love, joy, prosperity, beauty, strength, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people.

This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Butchubbles shippers of the world. So, sit back, relax, soak in that Butchubbles adorability, and revel in Butch's and Bubbles' joy of having their first set of offspring brought into the world and into the City of Townsville.

The City of Townsville. May 22, 2009, one year and one week after Butch and Bubbles were happily married. We find 18-year-old Butch, his darling 16-year-old wife Bubbles, and their eleven-month-old first-born sextuplets, from left to right, Brighton Dudley Green, Brawley Leicester Green, Brielle Elena Green, Brinley Charlene Green, Blysse Lauren Green, and Brie Jessica Green partaking in a springtime saunter in the cherry blossom-strewn park in full bloom. With Butch approaching 19 in barely two months and starting college and Bubbles approaching 17 in barely four months and starting the eleventh grade, they have become an enthusiastic pair of young parents who found the fun and joy in balancing parenthood, school, and their ever-loving relationship. Moreover, as one can tell, Bubbles was pregnant yet again with a second set of sextuplets.

Brighton, Brawley, Brielle, Brinley, Blysse, and Brie came into the world on June 23, 2008, when Butch was 17 years old and Bubbles was 15 years old. It was said that these first set of sextuplets emerged from their mother's womb giggling and laughing with such glee, and their parents were indubitably blessed to see their first set of super strong and super adorable sextuplets. Brighton and Brawley bore an uncanny resemblance to Butch all the way to having his signature when he was a baby, Brielle and Brinley looked just like Bubbles when she was a little baby to the point where they giggled and chuckled like her, and Blysse and Brie were a mixture of Butch and Bubbles complete with the heterochromia.

Brighton Dudley Green is the little boy who loves to get his hands dirty nearly all the time, both literally and figuratively. Literally, because he is always finding himself digging for dirt, making clay sculptures, and even scribbling on pieces of sketching paper all for fun. Figuratively, because he would always give any baddie a huge punch and bear-hug, thus demonstrating his awesome strength at a very young age. The power he is most proud of is creating forcefields in order to keep his parents and siblings safe from all harm. Aside from that, he is also a wind user, thus inheriting Butch's signature Tornado Punch with a few extra blasts of energy radiating from his fists of fury.

Brawley Leicester Green is the little boy who enjoys displaying his Herculean strength and is the muscle of this set of sextuplets. His amazing feats of strength include bench-pressing a huge boulder, lifting his parents' bed to wake them up for breakfast, lifting up an entire building, and bear-hugging seven full-grown men, in this case his father Butch, his uncles Brick, Boomer, Mitch, and Blitz, and his godfathers Harry and Mike. Brawley always loves a good brawl against criminals, as this gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his magnificent strength with such confidence and bravado.

Brielle Elena Green is a little girl who loves to draw pretty, colorful, and vibrant things. Aside from drawing them, she also loves pretty and colorful paraphernalia ranging from soft and fluffy towels to cheeky kittens to lovable puppies to sweet lambs. However, one should be careful to never provoke her or hurt her family, as she will go hardcore against the perpetrator using her magnificent strength and fantastic agility to do him in for good and for all. When all is said and done, Brielle always finds solace, comfort, and joy in all things and creatures pretty, cute, and vibrant, which all do her a world of good.

Brinley Charlene Green is a little girl who is just as jolly and euphoric as her darling sister Brielle, as she constantly immerses herself in the world of shojo anime and pretty dresses. Brinley is a hardcore fan of magical girl anime such as Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Ultra Maniac, and Madoka Magica. She is also a huge fan of Astroboy, Kimba the White Lion, Doctor Black Jack, The Promised Neverland, and Carole and Tuesday. She aspires to be a mangaka who specializes in works for both girls and boys, though leaning towards the girls, and also a fashion designer, given that she has a knack for designing dresses based on a lot of the magical girl protagonists she would see on television. Power-wise, Brinley identifies herself with water, as she uses this element to stun her opponents.

Blysse Lauren Green is a little daddy's girl who is unafraid of getting her hands dirty but can still look as lovely and girly as ever. While Blysse enjoys brawling against baddies, she also endeavors to involve herself in a lot of physical sports with her cousins usually from Brick's and Buttercup's side in order to let out some steam in the forms of basketball, soccer, and martial arts. Outside the physical activities, Blysse is also a keen drummer, thus expressing her musical side so well, given that her mother was just as fine as a drummer as she is. In terms of her powers, Blysse is the bearer of her rainstorm wave, which she blasts a wave of wind and water energy from her palms in order to stun her enemies through experiencing a flash flood.

Brie Jessica Green is a little mommy's girl who bears a clear-toned, sweet, lovely voice which can soothe her friends and family but also make her enemies deaf when she applies her signature power screams. Brie is just as passionate about anime as Brinley, as she loves Attack on Titan, Parasyte the Maxim, Carole and Tuesday, The Promised Neverland, Inuyasha, Dragonball Z, YuYu Hakusho, Detective Conan, Chibi Maruko-chan, and Cardcaptor Sakura among many other series. Brie aspires to be a voice actor, singer, and artist who gains a whole lot of inspiration from the anime she watches and can memorize any song in a matter of seconds. She is also a keen linguist, as she speaks fluent Japanese, French, German, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, and Korean. As stated before, her voice can also be used as a formidable weapon, as she can unleash super-sonic screams in order to make all of her enemies deaf from that particular attack.

Butch and Bubbles certainly cultivated a loving, caring, creative family whose days are constantly filled with optimism and genuinely great hopes for a bright, healthy future. Brighton, Brawley, Brielle, Brinley, Blysse, and Brie have also filled their parents' lives with sunshine and joy, and no one can get them down, even if one tried. This joy was also reflected in the fact that Bubbles was pregnant with a second set of sextuplets, thus making their happy family grow in absolute abundance.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and stay safe, everybody.

Butch and Bubbles from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

Brighton, Brawley, Brielle, Brinley, Blysse, and Brie belong to me.

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