Something to be depressed about

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago

I think it is time that I spoke out about the wrongs I see every day everywhere I go and that are created by the ones in power who are there mostly to benefit themselves and the money men who help to perpetuate the wrongness...


And then, the time had come for the great tidy-up as a slow death spread over the land that came from machines paid for by the government to spread it far and wide where only the weak and old would be affected to die of some cancer that would be incurable after taking the expensive cure from the pharmaceutical company.

The government of course were safe on holiday, by design and were laughing it up as the rest of us breathed in the fumes.

The evil ones looked down from their ivory towers as the master plan progressed and was so far along by now it was said that not even a miracle could stop it.

Only the well-off were to be given any help to become more wealthy, all others were workers in the production lines of the economy and programmed to obey and to toe the line of the party politics set out for them.

Everyone had their place in this scheme except the non-productive ones, the sick, the lame and the disabled who were to be eliminated to make room for those to come who would be schooled according to their ability to fit into the machine of productivity.

Lies and deceit were the norm and seen as truth; everyone had their version of the lie to vote for and encouraged by the propaganda machines, the TVs, newspapers etc to believe it all and live accordingly.

Laws were passed to outlaw homelessness to drive them all off the streets. Other laws were passed to outlaw protesting in large numbers, and one by one the countries of the world incorporated this into the system.

All heart based feelings were unlearned in the belief systems taught over the propaganda machine; sympathy was only for the devil, a deviant and subversive whose only place was as a scare tactic to keep the religious in line.

And God as some perpetuated myth that everyone believed in, who lived up there in the clouds had an angry wrath that would kill you dead in a heartbeat if you didn’t obey the rules.

Control became ever tighter as fear was spread of terrorism and shown to be so by well-orchestrated bombings to instil the fear deeper and deeper.

Disinformation was used to cause confusion and any who saw through it all were branded subversives and disposed of when the time was right.

Peace and freedom were words used by the war machine to give the hope that one day, in some utopian future when the austerity measures finally ended and the last of the terrorists were rounded up and jailed wealth would come down to us all so that we all could live safe in our little boxes of consumerism and conformity without fear as our leaders worked hard on our behalf to keep it that way.

And in the words of an old philosopher: if you can’t think for yourself you’ll think for them.

Image from Pixabay


Thanks for voicing this out, we see these situations everywhere, much sorrow...

It is everywhere and those that create it do not care, and those that suffer have no way to stop it...

I hear you, it is a sad situation.

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