
Not necessarily. I don't consider myself (neither my family, nor my relatives/friends) bad, but many bad things happened to us in our lives. Bad things are happening to many good people.

What I meant was evil attracts evil and perverts good people to do evil such as in the places where it flourishes.
How much is understood about the balance between things, how the wrong energy in one place can disproportionately affect everything else?
It is said that a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a storm somewhere else, and perhaps this might be so if everything was not in balance.
One might wonder that if everything is in balance then how anything can become out of balance.
Huge greed and wealth among a few causes huge hunger and poverty among many; this is an imbalance.
When so few have such power it makes the rest seem powerless, and this is an imbalance.
Would not the laws of nature redress this imbalance? Yes, in time, but if the imbalance is being manipulated unnaturally so as to keep it that way by a few who have gathered immense resources to influence the outcome and pervert it to their will for no other reason than fear of losing what they have taken so much of, then this is an imbalance and can be likened to a monster dam holding back all the water that can be turned on and off at will. Where once many had enough to drink they now go thirsty at the whim of whoever controls the water of the dam.
If most of the water and food is controlled by some few deviants whose humanity has been replaced by their hunger for ever more power, wealth and control of a population who for the most part have little or no idea what is really going on, then by the turn of a switch the flow can be stopped and in a short time most of the population can be brought under control.
When the last of the water and food has been consumed and no more comes to replace it then hunger and thirst will dominate, and those who control the water and food supply will be in a position of great power.
But of course this is only fiction and no few own so much to have such control if they so desired and the banks don’t own all the money and the governments are of the people and for the people and can be trusted to be on our side if it ever came down to choosing sides, and those few who own most of the world have no such plans in place, and all is in balance, if the Dodgy Daves and their gangs are to be believed, we are all in it together, right?
A caterpillar has no control when the time comes for it to turn into a butterfly and for a time its transition might appear to be most strange; but the laws of nature govern it and guide its unfolding, and as a flower grows into bloom the caterpillar becomes the butterfly that opens its wings to dry before flying.
We also have an unfolding to go through, a breaking of the shell that encompasses our knowing, where our consciousness expands to encompass a new reality that is so much more than the confines of what we once believed to be true.
But unlike the butterfly that only goes through the one change our understanding is in a state of continual growth and if let to grow naturally will seek to know its origins and purpose in existence and eventually return to source.
This is a natural state of being and is only hindered if manipulated by an outside force that might seem benign on the surface but underneath has a not so benign motive such as the TV and other propaganda devices that can be so addictive.
Self aware individuals who can see past the threads of manipulation are not easy to control and some could be considered uncontrollable and therefore not subject to the system of control that is so widespread it influences the whole planet.
This manipulation by ones who should know better can be perceived as an act of great evil or unconsciousness, and the only hope of countering it is that enough go through the change and become aware soon before it is too late....

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