This saddens me

I am not sure if others feel as I do, but I cannot feel anything but sadness when I see trees being cut down.

Developers, in most cases, couldn't care less and just clear the ground of trees - some of which are eighty years or more and have been part of a beautiful landscape and enjoyed by those people living near by.

The other day, on my way to the shops, I passed a lovely fig tree - the new season's leaves had formed and there were small figs developing on the branches.
I have been walking past this tree for years and have always loved the scent that the leaves give off as one passes by.

A few days later, as I walked on the same route, I was horrified to see that someone had cut down the fig tree - cut is too nicer word - it had been hacked down to ground level - why? - the tree was growing next to a pathway, giving shade in summer as well as lovely fruit for everyone.

I found a short branch on the ground which I picked up and took home with me - deciding to see if I could get some cuttings from it.
I have no idea how long the branch has been lying there and maybe I am too late, but I shall try.

The first thing that I did was to put it into a jar of water to try and hydrate it - that was three days ago and so today I shall make cuttings and plant them in a pot - if the cuttings take, I shall be thrilled and be able to give them away to family and friends.

So wish me luck.


Me too, I hate seeing trees cut down

When we had to cut down so many of our trees to build, it was REALLY hard! I do hope your fig cutting takes!

Thanks - holding thumbs.

I foolishly cut down a few trees on my property a number of years ago, on the advice of a landscaper, and I can still feel the loss. Never again!
You might like the book "The Overstory" by Richard Powers, which I am reading now. Very very beautiful book about trees, the lives of them and the felling of them. Highly recommended!

Ah thank you, I shall try and get my hands on that book.

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