Movers, Shakers & Hustlers!


“When you are backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down.” – Harvey Specter

I was arrested at the age of 16 - accused of dealing heroine and whilst this was not true, I was no angel lol, but my friendly association with said individual who WAS in fact guilty of the accusation had me take the fall for it. I was so oblivious and naive that I had not even noticed the cops approaching us... but he did and whilst I was still talking to him - he had already vanished. The arrest went through anyway because they had found weed on me and a knife with a blade longer than the legally permitted length.

This was probably one of the more mortifying moments of my life - being hauled into the back of a police van, having to look at my fathers face as I walked down the court corridors and then having to serve six months of juvenile correctional service. Those are moments in life which you simply don't forget... and admittedly, despite the severity of the situation, it did not stop me from getting into trouble as I got older... but it did do one thing for me and that was... (this may seem odd) - but I stopped reading fictional books and started reading non-fiction motivational stuff.

Every single day on the train to and from college I would read and I became completely consumed and obsessed with the lessons and insights offered. A spark was ignited the other day when I read the THIS by @stackin. Post aside, I was intrigued by his book collection in the background of the header photo. I absolutely LOVE passionately motivated people and Charles is right up there on that scale!


There are MANY people like that around here - some are harder and others gentler in their approach and style. I appreciate and value them all, but if I am honest, the individuals which ignite that same fire within me are the one's who are far more direct and brutal in their approach... They cut through the crap, get to the point (quickly) - deliver a VERY clear message and essentially kick you off your butt. @theycallmedan is a prime example of this!

The best part about people like this is that their energy is utterly contagious - pretty much like the motivational substance you take from books by like-minded authors.

These are the people that rock the boat! They are not afraid to push boundaries, test situations and move toward a goal, despite being tackled along the way. My focus on people and content like this from the above mentioned point in my life is precisely what helped me to build exactly the same style of approach to life and it's positive effects are undeniable.


"Birds of a feather..." or "your mind will believe anything you tell it often enough..." come to mind. Surrounding yourself and consuming your mind with positivity, drive, passion and guts will steer you in a good direction no matter where you stand when you start!

And in a world fill with so much insecurity, doubt and self-loathing, it is beyond my comprehension why more people don't switch things up a little in their owns lives... you know, if a recipe doesn't work and is not resulting in you being happy... adjust the recipe! You know you are a true foodie when even your motivational references are food related... haha!

I may not have steered myself and my life in the right direction the first, second or even third time, but there is one thing I know for sure - it was my choice of content selected to fill my mind with that ultimately DID lead me away from what would almost definitely have ended badly and it is for this reason that I will never underestimate the power of what you feed your mind as well as WHO you choose to allow into that space too.

Over the years, I too, have learnt to speak from a place of passion as well as draw a very clear and definitive line as to "what and who" I do, or do not want in my sphere. I suppose that one advantage derived from blurring so many lines when I was younger is that it eventually lead me down roads which offered sights and experiences that gave very BRUTAL perspective - and perspective is probably our most impactful teacher.

So, for me - the "what and who" of what goes into my pot nowadays is a very select blend. lol! I want, not only to BE someone who breaks ground giving it new life, breeding inspiration and passion in those around me but I also want to surround myself with those that share a similar vision. Life is too short to feel anything but GOOD.

I have long since been an AVID fan of the series SUITS - and no, not just because of the eye-candy that is Harvey Specter haha! - but rather because it literally feeds and breeds a mindset that NEVER gives up, that ALWAYS looks for a solution, stands for NO crap, says it LIKE IT IS and GETS THINGS DONE! - NO MATTER WHAT! Today I watched the last episode of the series and I am officially BLEAK! I think I need to go read some uplifting quotes... hehehe!!

... You catch my drift - hopefully!


If not, let me just say it: Seek out the people and things which make you want to conquer the world - that make you believe in yourself and not the opposite - that help you retain the faith that is required in order to see a challenge through to it's end. Become cognizant of what you are feeding your mind with on a daily basis... be it the feeds you follow on social media, the people you engage with or your own self-talk.

These "seemingly small" details are the make or break of our lives.


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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Surrounding yourself and consuming your mind with positivity, drive, passion and guts will steer you in a good direction no matter where you stand when you start!

How does positivity affect your mind?

positively! ;)

I used to think that I had depression when I would really get stuck in my head. Later I found that it was just isolation and what I really needed was interacting with people on the same wavelength of vibrations. That changed my whole perspective.
The right people make all of the difference.

Wow that is quite something!! Such a seemingly simple and obvious "answer" yet I wonder how many other people don't realise it. Getting stuck in your own head can be incredibly toxic... especially when you are alone.

So much truth in this, jailbird @jaynie! 😉 😂

Seriously, love your motivational posts like this! I've said it a million times before, and I'll say it a million more - you and the #PowerHouseCreatives community, with all its amazeballs inspiration and support, continues to be a large part of the reason I'm still here on the blockchain.

Oh, and the day I went through and muted/unfollowed/ignored accounts on social media that were continually spouting, "DOOM & GLOOM" was the day I started enjoying being on them again. 😊

waahahahahahaha!!! Well, thankfully I never actually saw the inside of a jail cell LOL!

And thank you for the positive vibes in return hon!

As for the social media feeds - yip! And I have explained this to many other people too... when you so much as HOVER over a specific article thumbnail for a little longer than normal (not even clicking it)... you will notice that you start seeing more and more of that in your feed. I explained this to my mom the other day as she was saying that she was seeing so many "missing persons" posts and it was really freaking her out - I told her she needs to stop sharing the damn things lol... because the reality is you have no idea whether they are real/fake, old/new and the chances of YOUR share actually helping in any way is practically ZERO... however the chances of filling you head with anxiety and fear over the matter is pretty much 100% lol

Suits is such a great show!

it was!!!! and Now I could cry LOL.. Although, it is probably one of the few series I could watch again and again hahaha!!!

Great article, great attitude, great perspective @jaynie.
As you state, life is too short, and we all have but one candle to burn.
We all make mistakes, especially when we are young, it is to be expected.
Many of the mistakes I made as a young man, helped me to become who I am today.
Those individuales who believe that change will occur as time passes, without changing one's head space, effort, and surroundings will forever be stuck exactly where they are.
If something is bothering you, get up off of your arse and do something about it.

Thank you hon! - What other choice would we make really, if we look at the greater scheme of things lol...

Many of the mistakes I made as a young man, helped me to become who I am today.


I may not like some of the choices I made, or things I did but I would not change any of it because of precisely that!


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