Where are the VOICES of STEEM?!

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)


I am not generally one to write content which attempts to cause a stir – unless it is in one of my kitchen pots lol… but I have had enough of the “all talk and little action” attitudes of so many on the Steem network! It reminds me of what it is like here in South Africa when it comes to voting time. People are quite happy to sit idly and verbalise endless complaints about the state of the country but then they don’t go and vote and with that action-less action, they are paving the path to their statements of doom and gloom.

I woke up this morning to find that @felt.buzz had passed the Steem Torch to me (the brainchild of @geekgirl with additives from @andrarchy) and I have now passed it on to @bengy. Originally I was just going to pass the torch on without saying anything but then I started thinking about it a little bit and decided to write this post, not about the torch - I hold that high irrespective, but rather… about starting to kick some butt around here – everyone already knows how good I am at using my boot. lol

Although there are many Steem advocates out there, doing their thing to promote Steem and to at least TRY and make it a healthier and more balanced space - @theycallmedan and @nathanmars being the kingpins of that department in my opinion. - I would like to believe that I am also one of those advocates, be it on a dramatically smaller scale lol - however, on the other side of that coin, there is also a lot of negativity wafting around of late too - especially pertaining to the whole "MEOS" drama and people expressing their disheartening feelings about that and so many other things.

People are quick to talk about community. People are even quicker to talk about support and promotion but somehow and unfortunately, it mostly stops there. Like the expression - "The proof is in the pudding" and well, this dessert table is looking rather pathetic if you ask me! In English: Get off your idle arse and start doing something that actually assists the growth of Steem!! STOP whinging about the pewdiepie’s and the eos, meos mash – the fact of the matter is – you snooze you lose and WAY too many people on Steem seem to be so sleep induced it borders on a bloody coma!

Do you think the marketing team of Mercedes Benz sit around a board room table crying their eyes out over a box of tissues after the latest BMW advertising campaign hits? No, they sit around that table and brainstorm a return punch that hits even harder. Success in any shape or form would be non-existent if people didn’t fight for what they believe in – and if you don’t believe in it then you are wasting your time to begin with. Nothing in life is imminent, so stop behaving like it is! No, Steem is not without it’s problems, and the same can be said for pretty much everything in life, but the fact remains that if absolutely EVERY active user of the Steem network put some noteworthy effort into promoting our blockchain to the people around them then those problems absolutely CAN be diluted.

There is great power in numbers, but “the numbers” actually have to work together consistently! I am not referring to a one time post saying how much you love Steem – no, I am saying we need to educate and inform people about Steem… we need to seek out and guide the genuine new comers that have joined, and we need to support the people who produce great content and are essentially the flagships of what we WANT to this space to be.

Passing a “torch” among ourselves is a novel idea but essentially serves little to no purpose if people are not going to speak up about it at the same time. So, this is me – speaking up about speaking out – not only in honour of the Steem torch concept but also appealing to ALL OF YOU reading this!!! Get out there and start networking for Steem! Shout it out to the world! Get involved in whatever ways you can… Get your hands and feet dirty and don’t do it once or twice – do it ALL the time, again and again and again!!!! We didn’t come this far to throw our hands up in the air… we are passing a TORCH around not a fncking white flag!

Mother Theresa once said that she would never attend an “anti-war” rally but would gladly attend a peace rally. The point being – STOP expending your energy focusing on what others are doing or saying which is creating negative hype and START directing your focus onto the positives which YOU have the power to implement.

Nothing changes if nothing changes…

I am SICK of all the "nay sayers" and even more nauseated by those that say nothing at all! I have been a part of all kinds of community driven projects and ventures over the years and let me tell you, I have NEVER come across a thread of dedication stronger than that of the Steem community - it is overwhelming what we all achieve when driven to do so. Yes, I chose to harness that collective enthusiasm with the founding of my Powerhouse Creatives Community and I am ever grateful I did. We have been mocked, threatened, belittled and yet we are all still here, doing our bit. We have overcome seemingly impossible challenges - one of the smallest group of collectives on the blockchain... why? - because we throw ourselves into it! We FEED each other with an attitude of success and despite fatigue, opinions and doubts we persist! We... (all 130 of us) showed an entire blockchain (twice) that when there is a WILL there is ALWAYS a WAY! - At the end of the day, it is ALWAYS about who wants it most...So, do you believe in Steem? Do you want it to be here in 10 years time? I know I do... which brings me to beg the question -

WHERE are the VOICES of STEEM?!!?!

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credit for photo used in header

Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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The Power House Creatives is a discord community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value across multiple platforms. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individual growth as well as offering support to those that are still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - To infinity and beyond...



As most of you already know our community is closed. This does not mean that we are trying to keep people out or that we ignore those who aren’t members – it simply means that we are focused on keeping our standards of content high and our member commitment higher. I think if nothing else, we have proven those two qualities to the Steemisphere over the last year and even more so in the last seven days.

I am not going to sugar-coat things for anybody, because it would not make any sense whatsoever, nor would it serve anybody fruitfully - long-term. Our community is incredibly proactive - and DRIVING the success and growth of the people within it is our FUNDAMENTAL PURPOSE, because this is how they are able to do the same in return for other individuals in communities beyond our own! Our reach extends WAY beyond our own walls and this is one of the primary reasons why it is important to ALL OF US that each of our members are able to hold our flag high wherever they may roam.

We work hard, we play hard - we support one another through thick and thin, we know whats going on in our "3D" lives and no matter what it is - we are there for each other! Yes, there are daily responsibilities and obligations. Yes, there are things that fly within our walls and things that definitely don’t. Yes, we require quite a bit from you as an individual but you get it tenfold in return and ANY ONE of our members will gladly testify to this. Absolutely EVERYTHING is catered for and considered… including those times when you will NOT be able to fulfill your obligations. It simply requires the following of our procedures, which once you have grasped – are not complicated at all - I promise.

Everybody in our community jokes about my “boot” because they know that there are certain things that never were and never will be tolerated within our walls… and when they surface, those people will very quickly meet my infamous “boot” sending them out the door – or at least showing them that it is open. A few such things would be the likes of: not doing what you promised to do when joining, not being a team player, plagiarism, spamming, causing trouble with other members etc. These are all no-brainers really, so should not be much of a shock or challenge to anyone who is actually on Steemit (or any other platform) to make it a better place for everyone!

We may be a relatively small collective, but we have approx. 118 members from over 30 countries and that continues to grow. Most of our members are also key players in some of Steemits other highly regarded and supportive discord communities and initiatives - and all of us at “home” know without question or doubt that every single one of our members will make us proud with whatever they do – wherever they go – and that is precisely how we intend to keep it. Simple as that! No, this kind of “ethos” does not work for everyone – and that is perfectly fine - Each to their own. The people who have done the “putting in” are the ones that understand what they “get out” of it all ;)

So, if I have not scared you away yet, or if the above info excites you (even better) and you would still like to put in an application to join our fantabulous and VERY crazy little family… then by all means – hop into our applications server and do the necessary.




@theluvbug regularly supports the Steemit community with upvotes and resteems of great content which is really adding value to this platform, but in order to grow and be able to offer MORE SUPPORT, @theluvbug needs your help - with upvotes and resteems of the latest curation announcements on that profile.