HACK the INESSENTIALS - Introspective Weekend...

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"Take time to do what makes your soul happy.”

Sometimes you just need to take a breath, a little time to enjoy things outside of your routine - and this weekend was without question something my heart and soul desperately needed to help me shift focus. No, it was nothing "grand", in fact it was the complete opposite... it was pretty much appreciating the "simple things" in life.

Whilst I am normally a seven day a week Steem devotee, I simply did not feel that level of passion, dedication nor enthusiasm this week, so I just said fnck it! - what does it really matter in the grand scheme of things, if I take two days to just enjoy my life without obligation... (well, almost haha - I still have mom obligations). Everybody has a tipping point - either the cup overflows or it cracks... but either way, positive or negative... what has been kept inside is expelled. I figured I would take some time out before I heard the sound of a crack...

Clearly Winter is on it's way out of the door because we had nothing but gorgeous weather from Friday until now - and as ANYBODY who knows a true South African will testify... when the weather is sweet, we don't cook - we BRAAI! - and braai we did!


On Friday we lit the fire for the braai and then also lit the fire pit because our braai is elevated on decking so not really "in and among" where we sit... so we looked like serious SA enthusiasts haha! This picture however, would have been incomplete without celebrating wine time simultaneously. Tunes and feet up...




Even posh pup was enjoying the socialising! I am so impressed with this little guy and the way he has just become an extension of our family. He really is the most beautiful little character! When we went to "adopt" him, he was so shy and didn't engage with any one of us. Jude however, was ADAMANT that "Herbie" was the pup he wanted. He told me quietly later that day that he chose Herbie because he felt it in his heart - I love my child! and he could not have been more right!


Nothing life changing with the sides I prepared lol - I was feeling pretty depleted so some spiced rice and roast veg along with a salad and some garlic bread fit the bill. Although, I will say that as always, the whole roasted garlic clove "pops" in your mouth take it to the level of awesomeness!



We had a pretty late night as we ended up with our neighbours hanging over the wall chatting to us as we both braaied. lol - Got to love South African Spirit :) and it sounds like there will be a friendly game of Texas Hold'em happening soon... CANNOT WAIT! Love that game!!! and I have not played it in a couple of years!

On Saturday I had my work cut out for me, so it somewhat de-railed my entire digital detox weekend lol - but it was for my little man so was well worth it. They (approx. 6 of them) had to create a video advert/campaign to promote the saving of water. The primary question which was proposed to all of them was "Can water start a war?" They did 90% of the filming themselves as well as the research - but my son nominated me to do the editing. (Thanks @judethdude lol) I didn't mind doing it but I am a graphic designer by trade, not a videographer or editor for that matter lol... anyhooo, I did the best I could. haha... let's hope they all get good marks. hahaha!

That pretty much took up my Saturday afternoon, but if I am honest, I had fun doing it.... I am planning to upload his video on his profile soon too but for school purposes here is the Youtube link...

Sunday morning arrived and we we decided to head off to Hout Bay (about 15 min drive away) to give posh pup his first ever beach experience! We went to "Dunes" for lunch, but alas - no photos of the food as I was in a "no fncks" mood haha...




After lunch we offloaded all our excess and headed down to the beach for a walk. Thankfully the wind had dropped enough for it to be pleasant! Jude got to fly his plane and none of us had to eat sand lol. Posh pup had an absolute JOL! (SA slang for party/good time - pronounced "jawl") We got home pretty early which allowed enough time for an afternoon nap and I am ALWAYS game for an afternoon nap... 30+ problems haha!







It was a super Sunday and weekend all round. I really appreciated the time to take stock of where I expend my energy and time in not only this Steem sphere, but in the grand scheme of things too. One thing I have decided is that I am 110% done doing things that waste my time, energy and get me nowhere.

“It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.”
― Bruce Lee


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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Lovely as always! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you xxx Glad you enjoyed it :)

I love the thumbnail design 10/10. Good thumbnail is something scarce on this place. The photography is excellent as well.

ohhhh do I agree with you there hahahahaha!!!!! And this is one I honestly don't like, but (again) had to prioritise... so said "bugger it"... lol - glad someone appreciates the added effort that goes into the one part that actually SELLS the post. ;)

Yeah it's a quite difficult concept to grasp though (that the thumbnail sells the post).

Cheers for your great taste ;)

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And thank you again for the positive input :)


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Thank you :)

I am glad that you took time off. It is easy to burn out- I know only too well from experience 😛

Posted using Partiko iOS

For sure! Not so much burnout lately as feeling somewhat despondent about this space and some of the people here... a feeling which I have always been able to swipe aside... but it proving a lot harder this time around.


You know what a bit of R&R also yields ... better writing. Although I don't typically think of you as a "writer," I should because you're actually very skilled in the art and this piece, start to finish, flowed like honey.

BTW, I love the fact that you guys have a friggin' mountain in the middle of your city. :-)


Well, lately that seems to be the general consensus... that what I put out is nothing more than average, so I should probably take a year off to compensate. lol

Yeah, the mountains in Cape Town are one of it's true gems.


Hmmm ... not what I meant, woman. Your posts are ALWAYS high quality but once in a while you become especially "literary." That is, you get caught up in writing for the sake of writing. Like a thoroughbred going for a gallop ... just because he can. When you do, I notice.

You better not come back with, "Are you calling me a horse?" :-)


Are you... just kidding ;)

I know how you meant it... I was just fishing :P

Still loving that "posh pup!" I have learned so much from my dogs over the years. They will help you find a better work/life balance, and will always be there to support you, no matter what you are feeling. Best naps ever with my furry babies!

Oh too true! And yes, loving the cuddle buddy :)

Must be something in the air
I did just that too
Took a step back just to be 100% in the real world with my real people
Friends, the kids, declutter (still at it hahah)
It was a good feeling

Great pics 😍

It sure was, I think I need to make a point of putting this space aside and doing that more often...

Everyone needs a break every now and then, & you have the right attitude. Your Posh Pup is certainly a cutie, and your son feeling it in his heart that he was the pup you needed in your home is a sweet story. The video is well done, and your beach is beautiful!

Thanks for all the positive vibes @free-reign xoxoxo

What a blissful way to rest and recharge! Fire, food, and family - absolutely the cure for what ails ya! Then add in a stroll along the beach... heavenly, much like your captures. And I love the reason why Jude picked Posh Pup - talk about meant to be.

Now I'm off to check out the video - wishing the boys the best of luck with their grade for the project!

It certainly was!!! And after last week I needed it lol. And thank you for the well wishes. As it stands now, the teacher responded to my mail with their link and her comment was - "I am beyond impressed" - so let's hope that reflects on their marks as this project counts for the largest chunk of their marks for that subject for the term. The school has moved to a "project based learning system" which has eliminated much of the boring, written work and is getting the kids to become more hands on, work on long term projects in teams about topics which are relevant to today's world. A much more sensible approach to education if you ask me.

Happy you took that time to get away from any obligations, except the fun job of editing your son's video! It really does make a difference to have those breaks (at least it sure does for me!)
Looked like you and your family had a fabulous time and what a beautiful place to be able to go to! If I lived close to the ocean I'd probably go there quite regularly!
I'm with you on hacking the inessentials and time wasters!
Thanks for sharing!

It does indeed make a huge difference!!! I am definitely going to be making an effort to do it more - even during the week. I have been trying a slightly different strategy with my posting too... posting twice in one day so that I only have to be around here every second day and get some time to do the things I want to do, outside of Steem.

That's a good idea! So do you use Steempeak to schedule your posts?

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