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RE: Travel adventures - Český Šternberk

ha! howdy delishtreats! I can see you being the best business owner in Switzerland! lol. It's going to be brilliant. In a year's time you'll be looking for a second location.
Our internet provider was down for 2 days, what kind of internet service do you have there? Don't tell me it's fast and free! lol.


Hahaha, now I have to find a first one though :D

No, no, we don't face such issues. I have a different provider for my internet at home and for my mobile phone. So if there is any issue with the home one, I just turn on the hotspot on my phone and I'm good to go. It doesn't happen often - maybe once in 2 months for an hour or so..

How can it be done for 2 days?

Howdy delishtreats! I've heard that the United States is ridiculously far behind the rest of the world in internet services and technology. Why that would be I don't know but being in the country we have very few options. we are used to ours going offline often, for 30 minutes or a few's been one of my biggest problems in trying to do well in the League, plus my old computer stalls out and takes forever to load pages. lol

But anyway, our internet provider switched to a different type of signal which our receiver from them doesn't get, our old receiver is not compatible with their new signal. But they didn't tell us that. We are used to it going out so the first day we didn't think much about it. The second day we called and they sent out a technitian and he told us what was going on. But by the time he got a new system installed on the roof it had been almost 2 full days.
Your system sounds like a dream!

What about getting a new provider? Or is that not possible?

Hahaha, I can't even imagine facing such issues in this century :D

howdy again delishtreats! yes we have searched a great deal trying to find a new provider. We are far enough out in the country that there are very few signal towers out here so even the major companies like AT & T doesn't have close enough towers. So far we've only found two companies that can get us service out here but I heard that technology is catching up so hopefully in a few years the situation will improve. It's a big open country with many areas still with few people living there so there has been no need for towers in some areas.
Our internet has been pitifully slow to at 10 mps! Almost everyone is at least running at 25 mps and some are advertising at 100mps. But going to one of your posts it takes 10 to 20 minutes to load the page because of all the photos! And sometimes it won't load at all!

Seriously? Wow! I'm getting nervous when my post is loading for about 5 seconds, lol. Then I think that something is wrong :D It must be very annoying to spend so much time waiting. But well, another solution would be that you stop following my posts ;) That would definitely save you a lot of time :)

How much do you pay monthly for your internet service then? I wonder how much they ask if you face so many issues..

haha! stop following your posts! can't get rid of me that easy delishtreats! I just go do other things while it's loading but it IS a pain. we were paying almost $70 a month for very slow internet with a top speed of 10mps! lol. But our new plan is 25mps for ..not sure but I think it's $40 a month but I think that's just for one year and then it goes up in price. We have very few options because of our location, that's all. Technology will eventually catch up, I know you all are very superior in this area. this one tiny little niche! lol. well, that and vegan food restaurants, that might be kinda rare in Texas.

That's also a solution - didn't think about doing something else while loading :) That sounds quite expensive so I hope that it will get better for you :)

Hahaha, it's good when it's rare because then people would even travel to get there as there wouldn't be any other option ;)

Don't you ever sleep? :D

howdy delishtreats! are you just getting up, is it early morning there? Well, I'm behind on where I wanted to be because I spent all evening watching the Super Bowl and another show after that...I usually don't spend 4 hours watching tv, in fact I never waste that much time! I know you don't either.
Our internet service is expensive? Why, what does yours cost? in dollars approximately? lol.
It's still early for me, I usually go to bed about 2:30 am!

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