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RE: Feed to eat well

I would add, making sure the soil is balanced and has all the needed nutrients. My soil has been continuously farmed since the 1670's, mostly with tobacco and corn. It is the 7th best soil in the world, per National Geographic survey.

But it is VERY unbalanced. I know this because I do yearly soil tests that include all the micro nutrients, something land grant university tests don't do. I've been working since 2010 to bring it into balance by slowly adding the missing nutrients. As it comes closer, my disease and pest pressure lessens and in some cases, disappears.

This means the plants have reached the 3rd level of health. Many growers have never seen plants at the 3rd and 4th level of health because the soil will not support it. It has been too heavily "mined' for decades or centuries.

I have all your other ingredients, but it never helped the high disease and pest pressure I had from 1992 until about 2015. Balancing the soil is the missing ingredient.


Yes it does not happen over night, but you seem to be doing everything right - as to the "over mining" I agree and it is so sad as chemical fertilsers are what most crops are fed on and organic farming pushed aside to the detriment of the consumers.

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