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RE: Steemit 365

alien procedures and openly chat to some complete strangers

That does sound like fun! Where do I sign up? :P

That must have been very stressful to have to decide in that moment to move, the life changing decision. But you both did it and how awesome that adventure has become!

You and I are both the same when it comes to the #powerhousecreatives and the the Discord channel. I do the very same. First thing (after getting my kids ready for school). It is like another extended family. Great people to chat it up with over coffee. I can't find such great people to go and have coffee with here so I am totally good with doing it in Discord.
I do have great friends here, just are all too busy for me 😢😝

Happy Steemversary Gaz. I hope you celebrate your achievements over there ^_^


Thanks Foxy.

We really do have a very cool and funny bunch at PHC. I enjoy our chats a lot. We are just about to kick off our new enterprise and I am buzzing for the 5 of us. This could be a really special thing. I am glad to be sharing it with you.

Aw man, you have me smiling! You always do :p

I feel the same way!

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