A walk with me - on the way to the gym

A couple of weeks ago I've started with TRX training. I go to the gym on a regular basis and consider myself a fit person. I climb stairs to 9th floor (where I live) at least once a day without feeling short of breath - unless I run up fast, of course 😊 I also go on long walks at least 3 times a week, so I thought that my muscles would be a little bit sore after TRX but I expected that the next day I wouldn't even know that I did some training. I was wrong!

Our instructor is a maniac! 😊 She combines HIIT with strength training and at the end of each session my muscles are shaking like jelly. It's 45 minutes of constant pain! Last time I couldn't sit properly for 2 days after the training! I could feel some muscles that I didn't even know I had!

Today, I had the training again. I already feel sore so I'm sure that it's going to get worse tomorrow, but it is so addictive that I'm going to purchase my own TRX band to do the workout at my own convenience!

Even though I suffer during and after the training, the feeling that I get from doing this kind of workout is so good and worth the pain. I clear my head completely and I'm so euphoric that I want to hug strangers on the way back home - but I give them a smile instead 😊

A few years ago I couldn't bear the thought of going to the gym and working out. Now, I can't imagine my life without doing it. The only challenging part is the beginning but as soon as you build your routine you won't be able to stop.

It was a sunny spring day today and I took some photos on the way to the gym.

I hope you will like them.

ISO 100 1/200 sec. f/9 24 mm

ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/8 24 mm

ISO 125 1/160 sec. f/7.1 24 mm

ISO 100 1/200 sec. f/8 24 mm

ISO 100 1/200 sec. f/8 24 mm

ISO 100 1/200 sec. f/8 40 mm

ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/8 24 mm

ISO 80 1/640 sec. f/3.5 70 mm

ISO 100 1/500 sec. f/4.5 62 mm

ISO 80 1/640 sec. f/3.5 70 mm

ISO 100 1/400 sec. f/4.5 70 mm

ISO 100 1/640 sec. f/3.5 70 mm

ISO 100 1/400 sec. f/3.5 68 mm

ISO 100 1/400 sec. f/3.5 70 mm


Thank you for reading!


PS: And now I'm going to indulge myself and eat my pizza! 😊

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I believe I officially saw my first crocus of the year, thank you @delishtreats!!! Smiles :) :) :)

You see? And I didn't know what was their name :) LOL

Thank you Lyndsay! I hope you're doing well :)

I'll upvote your post as I hate those curation rewards hunters and one of them upvoted your comment :)

its awesome to work out and get exercise... glad to see you hitting spring a few days ahead of time too, we still have it very cold but I'm very much looking forward to see the beautiful outdoors myself soon! Have a great week Martina and keep it up :)

Do you have snow as well? We had almost no snow this winter and it feels kind of strange. At least I could go to the mountains to 'touch' it :)

Exercise is cool, sore muscles not that much :D But it will go in a few days and then I'll do it again and again and again :)

Have a great week too, Dave! Hope you're doing well! :)

I love those pictures with the beautiful light.. still cool like winter, but already bright like spring. Can't believe how you can already see nature waking up.

Although the training appears exhausting, it also looks interesting. Maybe I should give it a try... I started aikido 2 years ago, so I'm a bloody beginner, but TRX looks like something nice to combine.

Is it different at your place? We have lots of flowers now and I love it! This is the favorite time of the year for me :)

You should definitely give it a try :) It's an amazing workout for all body and you can adjust it so that you don't feel as bad as I do. I just like to kill myself every time I do it, lol. You can also just get the band at home, attach it to your door and follow some youtube videos. AND don't forget to turn the music on for more fun :)

I've done karate long time ago but it wasn't really my thing. Aikido includes also a lot of 'touching', doesn't it? :)

Thank you for stopping by!

I guess TRX is like a "theraband"? Elastic physio band... I have one of those but do need to use it more... mainly for flexibility as my hamstrings are stiffer than a thick block of steel! The walk to the gym looks lovely too, maybe you can do a jog there to warm up and get a taxi for the way back seeing as you're nearly dead after a session :)

No, no, it's not this :) I have plenty of those and train on them very often. It's called Team Reatree Xtreme. You can simply google TRX and you'll see what it is :)

Hahaha, I'm also totally inflexible but because of my issue with hips I can't do anything about it. I wish I could move a bit better :)

I don't do jogging because it's not for me. I can only do certain type of exercises that wouldn't hurt/put too much pressure on my hips.

You take the stairs 9 floors up
I was out of breath just reading your post
You do sound really fit
I am pretty sure this new routine will be easy peasy too
I am inspired to do more than bounce on my exercise ball <33

Hahaha :D I do my best! I have some physical limitations and to keep them under control I need to stay active.

I hope it will. I must say that I feel good today so it's an improvement. Last time I wasn't feeling well so quickly :)

I'm sure you can do much more!

Oh sorry to hear of the physical limitations
In that case you are doing much better than me
I used to dance once upon a time but once I stopped that, everything came to almost a standstill.
Then when steemit came into my life ... you know how that is😅
Now trying to get some activity back in which is why you inspire me
You get it done 😊
Thank you

Such beautiful images taken along your walk @delishtreats. A nice wind down after what sounds like quite a strong workout. You must feel like you could almost walk on the water coming home? ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

I wish I could :D So far I can't even swim properly ;) Just kidding.. you definitely feel awesome after such a workout :)

Thank you for stopping by!

A beautiful walk to the gym! That should make it even easier to want to go, haha. Sounds like a fantastic workout! It always challenges you during, but then the results and that feeling of accomplishment are so worth it. I always know I'm leading a good class when everyone is giving me side eyes and grumbling during it, but then they say thank you after. They actually had pizza after the run I joined last night, but sadly it wasn't vegan so none for me. I enjoyed some fruit when I got home instead. ;)

Haha, I usually go by car as I don't like to take a shower in the gym so want to get home as soon as possible. This was an exception :) I was giving her those side eyes too, lol :D

I normally wouldn't go for pizza but I had one at home, so I put half of avocado on top, some sprouts and spinach and it was good to go :)

Oh, I have to have something solid after the training. Fruit wouldn't do it for me :)

Thank you for stopping by Katie!

Yass to good exercise and even more yaasss to pretty photos :D :D :D.
I hope tootache is totally gone now? I've been wanting to ask you but the last post was a sad one so I didn't ask there ^^.

Today I feel a little bit better than the last time :D I guess that my muscles (also those ones that I didn't know I had) are getting used to this kind of training..

Yes, I feel very good now. I have even tried to chew on that side and it went very well :) I need to go to the dentist in a week to take out the stitches and then all this nightmare will be forgotten :)

Thank you for stopping by :)

Wow! These photos are so stunning that the sights should have stroked all of your pains away my friend.
It's the same old story at the gym, you get back what you put in!
Oh! And your post was worth a "follow"

Oh, these sights don't have such a strong power :) They do make me feel better (mentally) but unfortunately they can't treat physical pain ;)

Exactly! You just need to keep the routine and go there even though you don't want to. AND afterwards you'll feel amazing :)

Oh! Always nice to get a new follower ;) I gave you a 'follow' for your doggo post too! :)

Looking forward to our new 'friendship'! :)

Walk along the riverside seeing the beautiful flowers greeting an early Spring, that is my idea of a workout! Plenty of exercise bending to capture magnificent photography close-up's.

Forget the TRX training, it sounds excruciating, exhausting enough just reading. Thanks for adding exposure readings, still learning my new camera and gleaning ideas, that is awesome!

I do try different exercises from time to time as it helps me to clean my head. I love walking as well :)

My pleasure! I usually add the exposure readings as a proof that the photos are mine :) Glad to hear that it helps.

Thank you for stopping by, Joan!

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