A 10 Mile Hike to Grant's Farm Historic Site

As I said in the post title, we walked 10 miles on Grant's Trail to get to Grant's Farm. (Yes, on purpose, lol). It was 5 miles each way and the uphill climb to the parking lot where our car was turned out to be a killer at the end of the day. This beautiful yellow hibiscus was in a huge pot at the entrance to the beer garden at Grant's Farm. I've never seen a yellow hibiscus in real life before, though I knew they existed. The blooms are on this one are huge!

There was plenty to see as you walk around the grounds of Grant's Farm. This poor guy is caged up but the mackinaws were given a lot more freedom. This pair was being readied to put on a show with their trainer. Aren't their colors gorgeous?

This historical site is the original home and farm of US President Ulysses Grant and is being maintained in part by Anheuser Busch, which is the brewer of Budweiser beer. At their beer garden, each person over 21 is allowed two free Budweiser products to drink. We had a couple of ice-cold Michelob Ultra beers that sure tasted good after that long walk.


We got there too late to see the world-famous Clydesdales in their stables, but they did have a couple in the paddock that we could look at.


On the 5 mile walk back to the car, I snapped these along the trail. They were growing wild in the weeds along the trail and look to have just bloomed out. I was attracted to their bright sunshiney color. (And also needed an excuse to stop and take a rest, lol.)


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That yellow theme :)

Is Grant's name really Ulysses? That was something from Homer's Iliad or there somewhere, I think.

Yes, smartypants - it was a yellow theme! I posted it on Narrative for Color Challenge Yellow Monday, lol. And yes Ulysses was his real first name. Think I'd make up a name like that? 😛
"Ulysses S. Grant was an American soldier and statesman who served as Commanding General of the Army and the 18th President of the United States, the highest positions in the military and the government of the United States. (Wikipedia)"

Very interesting to see all these pictures. 10 miles is really a long way to go but it is worth it. Kudos.

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Well we were kind of thinking we were crazy when it came time to start the 5 mile walk back to car, lol.


This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a delayed resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie

These are really beautiful photos..
Esp on the parrots

@ireenchew - they really are beautiful birds, hard to believe they can be so colorful.


Posted using Partiko Android

@shuvo35 - thank you, glad you enjoyed them!

Nice park and great pictures!

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I didn't even mention that the admission is FREE and the tram ride is FREE. Very unusual but a really nice perk.

Great walk @blueeyes8960! 10 miles, thats definitely a walk! I love the clydesdales, every time I see them I am amazed at their size and grace, beautiful animals.

@birdsinparadise - I know, I love them too. We want to go and just spend time at the stables, which is a little way away from the park, but still accessible to the public.

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