Page 1, a new story, getting back to democracy, by any other name, freedom!

in #power5 years ago (edited)

Screenshot 2019-09-17 19:45:00.png

Page 1 from my new book, enjoy, written by? ME.

The “elite”………….

I thought of a lot of titles for this, “us and them” crony capitalism! And many many more.

We are faced with the reality that a tiny minority rule, by force, over the majority! Nothing has changed for centuries!.

You only have to look at the not so un-united, united nations, or the EU to see how “minority rules!.

One veto from the USA with regards to the 70 plus cases brought against Israel, and the case is dropped, that is not democracy, everyone else votes for a resolution, 1 country does not, so the case is dropped.

The EU, every month they move the offices, for a few days to France, the French have the contract to remove all the filing cabinets, and all the equipment, to transport them to France (making millions in the process) every time it comes up for a vote, for the headquarters to stay in Brussels, France votes against and vetos it, minority rules!

In the UK, Theresa May resigned and Boris Johnson was elected Prime minister by 92,153 people, in a country of? 63,182,000 according to (yes I know who abuses wiki) wikipedia.

Minority rules!

The world is upside down, Poli-ticians are serial, compulsive bullshit artists, con-men, con-women of the highest order, but who are “they”?…….

Take a look, do not just take my word, take a look at who runs your own country, be it the USA or the UK and every country in between, both to the right, left, and every direction. Winston Churchill from world war 2, his grand child is in UK politics, the Bush family in the USA? How many generations!.

They made a system, with co conspirators, to enslave you, me.

They lend money, huge sums, from central banks, at interest for “them”, Max Keiser covers this extensively on RT, (forget the Russians did it narrative, I will cover this later)……

By war do deception!

False flags have been used extensively by these psychopaths for many a generation, with every single one, they take away your freedoms, your rights, and all in the name of keeping you safe from what ever boogey man “they invented”…….

A collapse is due, not of the monetary system, though that they will manufacture anyway as “they buy low, sell high” and “they know” the average person will panic when “they” as they say, correct the market “in their favor”.

Taking from the poor and Robin hood!.

How about a change back to the Robin Hood story????

Robin Hood!……

He took from the rich, to feed the poor!.

No this is not a case of socialism, or any other ism, quite the contrary!.

What Is my point and what is the problem?

The whole system as it is now is the problem due to the above!

State secrets, national security, wars on drugs (like they could fight back) wars on “terror” Quote by me “the only terrorists are people that wear suits, spend our money and people vote for them!”

Secrecy is something NO government should have, they are elected to represent the people, for the people, they seem to have forgotten this!. A bit like the police!.

A public servant, the clue is in the name!.

How did we get here, sounds like a talking heads song does it not?.

By giving them, those career poli-ticians way to much power.
By not holding them to account.

Far to many people do not care “I am alright jack” attitude.

A lot of people also have no idea, that the person on the news, on TV is a “script reader. Actor or actress”..

The media is manipulated, by the same people, that get free money (they own the media) and by the same supposed “elite” that have run this shit show of war, poverty, and servitude for centuries, not a single one of them can make a cup of tea, let alone a car!.

But they love a limo!!!

Go and look on youtube at a supposed lord named Rothschild, getting people to move his furniture for him, left, right, no put it back, the man is useless, how he made children I will never know, maybe he got a friend to do it, for money eh!.

Through central banks, that maggot above, with the help of the vile psychopaths in government, enslaved you, and me. Any government worth talking about, would and could print it’s own money, and end it’s dependence on “us” for tax.

Any government that does, tends to get bombed to “freedom”.

Enough already, the time for change is now, before they have cameras in your living room!.

China has rolled out it’s system, where if you dare speak out about the state, you get sacked from your job, blacklisted from credit, and a nice little message on your phone, telling anyone that calls you, you are the enemy of the “state” and state it is, a shit state!.

Have a great week.


They’ve already got cameras in living rooms through ‘security systems’ that are quite conveniently connected to the internet of everything grid.

Each generation has its unfortunate manipulations, what we do to combat it all is what is hard for their best minds to figure out.

Good to see you!

To even have "alexa" in a house, you have to be pretty "dim witted" let alone a camera, but eh, with the state of education, what can we expect.

Good to see you too my friend. :-)

Thanks and hope you have a great week to mate.

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Cheers bro, free copy of the book for you as soon as I work out and write the ending. :-)

Thanks mate I am looking forward to it👍

Posted using Partiko Android

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