Potcoin Is Up...... Because Dennis Rodman Is In North Korea... No, Really...

in #potcoin7 years ago (edited)

You heard me, potcoin is shooting up and Dennis Rodman is partially responsible!

Potcoin is a digital currency was launched in early 2014 in an effort to provide the legal cannabis industry, which was being shunned by banks, with a secure way to make and receive payments.

About 24 hours ago potcoin started a rather steep climb. I saw the climb start yesterday but figured it was just one of these little 10% pumps that happens so often with Potcoin. Big mistake for me to not check news and see if there was a reason for it, because there was a good reason for it!

Potcoin never actually made a statement detailing why they sponsored Rodman, or why he had a potcoin shirt on. Rodman made claims to the camera men that he was "there to open doors" and "to try to bring sports to North Korea."

Now if you think about that, it makes great sense why Potcoin would sponsor Rodman on this trip if his intention is to get sports going in North Korea. If potcoin were able to jump on that wagon and be a sponsor for the NkBA(North Korea Basketball Association, yeah I made that up I have no idea what they will call it. Probably the Korean Republic of Basketballololol).

I think this was a fantastic marketing move by Potcoin and honestly, it got some news time at CNN and any press is good press!

Could be HIGH prices coming. Get it... High... ok, nevermind... sorry for the shwag joke.





This news story is hilarious! Seriously!

I laughed pretty hard when I read it, I was like... "Whaaaaaaaat?"

I just wrote a post about this and think this is brilliant! Stop by and check it out @bruckdashel

You are ritght. It doubled its price from $0.11 to 0.21 in just one day (June 12 - 13)

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