Cross-Posting Rapage?


One can only assume some disgruntled Steemit users who, while making the move to the Hive, would make it difficult for Steem to succeed through nefarious raping of the reward pool.

I mean, It's hard to imagine not doing it if you have the circle-jerk votes to go around while the powerdowns are still happening.
Plus, the number of "Last Steemit" posts that ended up being a "not last steemit" post is pretty common right now.

About Par for the course around here

Though I have 100% faith Justin Sun will do not much about it.

(Probably join in on it)

Oh by the way - Interesting read here.

Hmmm... Who and what are going to be sued and who is going to receive the order?

Is there a king Bee to the HIVE?


On another note - it's Unfortunate this price war is probably going to bring near zero valuations on 1 or both chains. The dumpage going on with Steem right now is steep and across the board, tho seeing "Shitcoin" Sun letting his investment go to waste doesn't seem to likely...
It could be one of those situations -

Out with the Old - In with the New


Regardless -

Thanks For the...



It's a mess right now and it may or may not settle down.

I'm not going to do too much on Hive until they create a of record of doing the right thing. Everything that has happened seems really messy to me, on both sides.

I'm kinda worried about actually logging in since the keys are the same.

I think i'm going to wait until I hear some more.

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