After Completing This ‘PPT’ Course, Happiness Is Inevitable!

After Completing This ‘PPT’ Course, Happiness Is Inevitable!

Aha, this “PPT” is not the PowerPoint presentations we often create in our daily work as internet workers. Instead, it’s the Positive Psychotherapy (PPT), a genuine pathway to happiness. In the previous article, we introduced positive psychology as the science of studying happiness. Now, how do we achieve happiness? Positive Psychotherapy is the specific operational method.

咳咳,此PPT非我们互联网打工人日常做的PowerPoint演示文稿,而是真的能让我们开启幸福之路的Positive Psychotherapy(PPT)积极心理学治疗。上一篇文章里我们介绍了积极心理学就是研究幸福的科学,那如何变得幸福呢,积极心理学治疗就是具体的操作方法。

A good PowerPoint should have a clear structure. Similarly, today we’ll elucidate the concept of positive psychology therapy through a well-structured article.

1 Ultimate Goal
The ultimate goal of positive psychology therapy is to help everyone acquire specific, applicable skills to maximize our strengths, thereby seeking a fulfilling, satisfying, and meaningful life. Positive psychology therapy targets not only those seeking help from psychologists but also the broader population aspiring to attain happiness!

2 Theoretical Foundations
Positive psychology therapy is primarily based on two major theories: Seligman’s PERMA theory, which conceptualizes happiness, and Character Strengths.

PERMA is a model that divides happiness into five manageable and measurable components: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. PERMA是一个模型,将幸福分为:积极情绪、投入、关系、意义和成就五个可管理可测量的部分。

Positive emotions encompass feelings like happiness, contentment, pride, and hope. Engagement refers to being fully absorbed in an activity. Relationships denote secure and comforting connections. Meaning pertains to life beliefs and a sense of purpose. Accomplishment involves pursuing progress, success, or the achievement itself. A plethora of positive psychology research is based on this model.

Character Strengths, proposed by Peterson and Seligman, posit that character strengths are universal traits inherently valuable, independent of worldly outcomes. If individuals can harness their character strengths, they are more likely to attain happiness and satisfaction.

3 Theoretical Assumptions
Every psychological school of thought has its underlying assumptions. For instance, behaviorism posits that individuals are products of their external environment, while psychoanalysis attributes human behavior to life and death instincts. So, what are the assumptions of positive psychology therapy?

As mentioned in the previous article, humanistic psychology can be seen as the precursor to positive psychology. Therefore, akin to humanistic psychology, positive psychology also believes in the constructive nature of individuals. It posits that when an individual’s inner growth, satisfaction, and happiness are chronically suppressed, mental illness arises. This is one of the assumptions.

The second assumption of positive psychology therapy is that positive emotions and strengths are as real as negative symptoms and obstacles. Therefore, positive emotions and character strengths should be given the same attention as symptoms in psychological therapy.

The third assumption of positive psychology therapy is that effective therapeutic relationships can be built upon the exploration and analysis of positive character strengths and experiences, rather than just discussing problems. By establishing a positive and supportive relationship with the therapist, individuals can better leverage their inner strengths and resources to achieve psychological health goals.

With that, we’ve concluded our introduction to “PPT.” positive psychology therapy is suitable for anyone seeking happiness. In the upcoming series of articles, we will introduce some simple and easy-to-learn tools in positive psychology therapy. Stay tuned!

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Rashid, T., & Seligman, M. (2020). Positive psychotherapy: Clinician manual. Beijing, CITIC Press Group.
塔亚布·拉希德, 马丁·塞利格曼. (2020). 积极心理学治疗手册 (邓之君 译). 北京, 中信出版集团

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