Today mrdeerants About…Love?

in #positive-trail7 years ago

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Today mrdeerants About…Love?

Today mrdeerants about love…yes that's right folks. I am ranting about love. Here's why…#1) there's a contest here>>>, #2) It's good to Love! It raises your vibration & it even has healing power! #3) I want to spread some positivity.

Things I love right now: Steemit for one! I mean I missed the boat completely on Bitcoin so I'm figuring why don't I jump on Steemit & see what the big deal is. I'm so glad I did! This community is absolutely amazing and I love connecting with people and learning about cryptocurrency, news, & just seeing different perspectives from which we can all learn from. (Btw…shout out to @marketreport Greg Mannarino is where I found out about it. He "gets" the financial world right now so thank you Greg!)

Another thing I love, the way things are becoming more visible. With Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Wikileaks, all the horrible atrocities our governments are committing are rising up to the surface to be exposed & scrutinized. Old paradigms are now on their last legs like the MSM & big money in politics. If you've learned nothing from this presidential election you should realize that big money will NOT save a candidate any longer. The American people are tired of both sides selling their souls for cash & power. The ones that do not change with the tide will be left by the wayside. And to that I say, "Good riddance!" This will create opportunities for people who really do care & want to reform our awful political system. Maybe they can actually help citizens in the process.

The third thing I'm lovin today, just the opportunities that are becoming available for the average person. Think about it for one second. 20 years ago, if you were a writer you had to work on your craft for years, submit your work to a "reputable" establishment & hope they would hire you for a FT or PT gig. Or even if you were a musician, an actor, an entrepreneur…with the internet today, you don't need the establishment any longer. You can shoot your own movie with your own crew or friends, throw it up on your own website or YouTube & make money on it. You don't have to wait for WarnerBros or Paramount to call you & fund you. Cameras are super cheap now…hell people are using iPhones to shoot entire movies! You don't need a "record deal" any longer either. Record it in your house, put it up online and start making sales! Put up a website & sell your services, your wares, your products whatever it may be. The opportunities & the amount of technology we have today are astounding! Is it easy? Hell no! But is there a way to start pulling away from the giant corporate machine & head off on your own happy trail to become successful? Yes and to that I say full Steem ahead! #positive-trail

mrdeerants Steemit Signature 800x400.png

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