How to teach a newborn to noise

When a small child appears in the family, this is an indescribable joyful event for all its members.


Most parents try to teach the newborn to absolute silence. And, sometimes, it becomes a huge problem not only for parents, but for the child himself. The fact is that the child, accustomed to silence, can not sleep peacefully, hence the caprices, and restless nights. Parents are forced to quietly do everything, do not make too much noise, talk in a whisper.

Another thing is when the child is accustomed to noise. Then the baby will be easier to fall asleep if there is someone or something to talk or, for example, to play music. Sometimes a newborn does not need the help of parents in terms of sleep.

In order for the child to get used to the noise, immediately after leaving the maternity home, try to include not very loud and quiet music on any music player.

But, if there is no possibility to include music, parents can themselves remember or learn any songs (not necessarily lullabies, but it is desirable that they were childish) and sing to their child.

Besides music, you can read fairy tales, stories, poems. The main thing is to sing or read expressively and not very loudly and correctly so that there is no hesitation, then the success will be guaranteed by 100% in the lulling of the baby.


I love your post, because you give a very important recommendation for parents who have newborns. And you're right, if the child gets used to the moderate noise he will not be waking up every so often because of some noise. Wise advice!

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