Portrait Photography

I usually don't publish photos of people. Privacy is an important part of our lives. Some people are more sensitive than others. I wasn't even sure if I want to write this post.

But here it is.

For today's post, I choose a couple of interesting photos. I could say that these people are public personalities and they don't mind about publicity. They live off of it.

In Slovenia, country of my origin, we use to live in the socialistic regime thirty years ago and the government tried to convince us that we are all equal with the same possibilities.

We had the same salaries, same cars, and houses. We attended same events, visited same places, and spent vacations on the same beaches.

Noone stuck out of the crowd and the crowd takes care that they pull and hold back successful and different thinking individuals. We were all one happy nation. Or we were just pretending. I'm not even sure anymore what was the case.

There were no rich people but no beggars either.








I was surprised when I saw these people on the main touristic street in Barcelona, and I must say that I felt very uncomfotable while taking these photos.

I have nothing against these people. We don't know what is their situation and why they live like this.

I'm not here to judge them. I just report from the field.

No fake news.

At least they find their way to get on the trending page.

Are they really beggars or just smart entrepreneurs? Who knows?

Every similarity with the steemit platform is just a coincidence.


wow, excellent street photography, about not rich and also not poor, they are midlist, nice dear

The key word in most cases is homeless, I've met some that lost all to a simple fire outbreak or paremts debt before their death etc.
There's alway a story line. Getting a job is the next best thing, but that solely lies on their motivation and determination.
And Yeah, come to think of it, this might actually be the most stress-free job our there.

Hi, I'm an old and reputable member of Steemit, but now I need an urgent financial help from you, my friends and whole Steemit community. I don't have enough money to get home, I need about $80 to make it. Please send me Steem to this account or LTC to my address:

Plase, don't flag me. I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't in such a hard situation right now.

I booked a vacation on Hawai. With the price of steem went so low I can't buy a plane ticket to get there.

Please send me BTC on this address:

And please don't flag me.

I need a train ticket to get home. This is true.

$80 that ok, come to Nigeria and get it.
If you drop by tell someone your looking for the 419er. Might even get 100

reduce drugs

writings and photo that can inspire, handsome and beautiful people can do thing like this spend time on the street, @oldtimer,☺️

De verdad que es muy lamentable la situación que ocurre con esas personas, casi lo mismo ocurre con los compatriotas que salen de nuestra Venezuela amada para irse a probar suerte a otro pais @oldtimer

Lovely collection. Seriously I respect homeless people, because they have reasons, but dont understand why young people dont work, instead of bagging :( Many people have difficulties in life and in some countries it is getting harder day by day. In my country we have different beggars. Real beggars, People whom their official job is "begging" and others who take begging as a Trend. It is very sad to see this and we can only hope that our governments would do something in the future.

I just remembered an old meme that I made before. We have also official "Steemit Beggars" :P

3BFD087700000578-0-image-a-21_1483965221013 (2).png

steemit baggers

wonderful photographs friend both low class and high but in reality we are all the same, impeccable work

If the harsh reality that is seen in the main streets of Barcelona, Spain, with people prostrate in the streets, gives a sense of uneasiness. These are people uprooted from their homes or from their countries of origin. And the current society and the authorities do not give an answer to solve this problem either. I found it very interesting that you share these photos and your concern about it. Best regards @oldtimer

Sometimes beauty is discomfortable... But still is beautiful!

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