Simple portrait of Beth

Here's a little portrait shot for @jasonrussell's weekly photo challenge. I'm his wife, so I'm not entering the competition ;) But just wanted to throw one out there to boost participation and try to get connected with other photographers.


Nikon D200 w/50mm 1.8 ISO-125 f/2.5 @ 1/160 sec.

This is an old image from when we used to have shoots-for-fun in our living room back in the day. I've been shooting Canon for several years, but we experimented a bit with a Nikon before we both went back to Canon. Very minimal editing (Not because I'm against it, but because I didn't know how to at the time, haha)

Shot with our trusty old Amvona softboxes (which are still alive and kickin' by the way!)

Let's see those portraits, Steemit!


That is very good portrait @melodyrussell. I wonder what was your reason to stay with Canon, and what was your impressions of Nikon during that experiment?

Ill say for one... that D200 was very hard to use vs any canon camera we've ever had!!

Thank you! :) And yeah, I was gonna say I can't speak for Jason, but I think for me it was a comfort zone thing. My first 35mm SLR was a Canon, first digital SLR was Canon, and so on. Actually, some our favorite shots in our archives were taken on the Nikon. It's a great brand and it was fun to experiment with something different, but turns out it just it just wasn't for me.

Very nice portrait @melodyrussell. Upvoted, resteemed & DPS.

Please state clearly how would you like to be featured in the “Daily Photo Selection”: with a linked photo, or with link only without a photo. We are making a list of photographers who are ready to improve the visibility of their work through the DPS. Thank you.

Thanks! And also, thank you for the information. I'm still very new to Steemit and learning new things every day!

Please @melodyrussell, state clearly how would you like to be featured in the “Daily Photo Selection”: with a linked photo, or with link only without a photo. Otherwise, I will have to put only link to your page.

A linked photo is fine with me. Thank you!

These new Canon cameras lately have amazing quality and are very user friendly, I think one of the reasons they sell like hot cakes.

O and nice portrait photo.

Super user-friendly! And thank you! :)

That's a nice shot!

Why, thank ya! :)

Aside from the great photo ... I really really like the hair! just saying!

Agreed! She's gorgeous and her hair always looks amazing!

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