Portrait Contest Week 11: Seasonal Portraits

in #portraitcontest7 years ago (edited)

Here is my first entry for week 11 in my husband @jasonrussell's #portraitcontest. I don't compete, but I still like to play along for fun ;) This is a photo of one of my very dearest friends @adrianecastaneda this past January while we were hiking out on her land. We decided to go hiking in the snow in below-freezing temperatures. It was quite a rush!!!


I'm aware that it's not the sharpest of photos, and that her face is quite blurry. I'll be the first to admit that sharpness and precision are not my fortes when it comes to photography. I think that's one of the reasons that @jasonrussell and I make a good team when we shoot together. He makes up for what I lack! ;) However, I sometimes have a knack for good timing and composition. She approved of this shot of herself and her dog, Peaches, who seemed to be posing for my camera :)

Shot with Canon 5D Mark II, 50mm lens
f2.8, 1/40sec @ ISO 125

Thanks for looking!

follow melody.jpg


Very nice photo :)

Nice picture .. i like the skintone color

Thank you for sharing :)

Thank you for checking it out @shihabieee! :)

Beautiful original photo love that bit of blurriness gives it more character.

Thanks @hangin! :) That bluriness is just proof that it was freezing cold and it was an intense hike! Glad I took my camera along to document a bit of it!

I bet it was freezing but well documented.

The dog does not seem cold and obviously happy with the promenade :)

The dog wasn't bothered a bit by the cold! She had a really fun time running around in the woods with us :)

I can tell by her tongue. :)

wonderful environment and a mood of the portrait !

Greetings @melodyrussell. It's fun to see you and @jasonrussell as a team. I love the photo because of the mono tones. The dog, clothes and all fit so well into the color scheme of this wintery scene. I think it's fun that we are playing here together and that you are adding inspiration to this challenge. Thanks for sharing!

I came to check your your profile because of @jasonrussell
I quite like this photo, its beautiful but you can also really feel the spirit of these two in their element.
Thanks for sharing.

Love the stylistic nature of this pic. I know that you mentioned the sharpness, but something about that lack of sharpness gives this a timeless vintage feel. Nice.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment @damnthatbanana (love the username by the way) ;) To me, sometimes good timing can compensate for other things that the photo lacks :)

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