Miss Underhat — My Portraitcontest Entry #1 For Week #116

Quite spontaneously taken from a distance while visiting a wild beach with @silver.art in the summer. Looking back, she was probably wondering why I was staggering. It's the weight of that camera around my neck. And everything it means.

I know there's no sign of the location in this image, but it was at a place where the mountain touches the sea. A favorite place of ours. I've been doing workshops there. Apart from all the private visits.

You'll all come to Sinemorets someday. See if you don't ;)

Aperture F 4, Shutter Speed 1/800 sec., ISO 400, Focal Length 81 mm.

This is my entry #1 for the Portraitcontest challenge. Rules in the link. The topic this week is again Free.

Good luck and have fun!


Manol Donchev

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