My Portfolio - Cryptocurrencies📈 How can I optimize it?🚀

in #portfolio7 years ago

My Portfolio - Cryptocurrencies How can I optimize it?

Hey guys, I want to introduce you to my portfolio, share my goals and what I'm hoping for from each currency. I started investing in crypto currencies at the end of July. Of course with the Bitcoin. Unfortunately I made a mistake in trading and was able to handle almost 90€. But mistakes are learning from mistakes!

Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-26 um 12.13.59.png
This table is in German but I assume that you understand this.

IOTA will, in my opinion, play a major role in the future. All devices get an ID and can pay each other. That would make it much easier and faster. IOTA is a device-to-device payment method. If you want more information, you can search for it on YouTube.

Goal: 200 MIOTA for the beginning.

Bitcoin is the father of all coins. I assume that by the end of 2018 the 10,000€ will be cracked. Unfortunately, on August 1st I bet 150€ BTC worth in Bitcoin Cash and so I hoped for a fast trade in which I made a lot of money. Wrong thought. Then I went back to the Bitcoin with 90€.

Goal: Own 1 BTC by the end of 2018!

NEO is a very strong competitor of ETH. In my opinion, NEO has more potential than ETH. Nevertheless, ETH is not to be underestimated. I hope that the NEO will be 100€ per coin at the beginning of next year.

Goal: 10 NEO now have maybe 50 NEO

TenX wants to make Cryptocurrencies usable by credit cards. The company is still in its infancy and is therefore cheap. At the end of the year, TenX's credit cards will be sent to customers. Imagine you have invested in Visa at the beginning of it. That's exactly what I see with TenX!

Goal: For the time being, 50 tokens now have maybe 100 tokens.

Steemit is like every one of you know, a decentralized social network. It's just great fun for me to write, comment, and resteemen! I see a lot of potential in it and hope to reach a value of 2,50€ by the beginning of 2018 which should double my STEEM POWER.

Goal: Become a Dolphin!

What coins do you have in your portfolio?

Do you have any suggestions for improving my portfolio?


Felix @gryptogainer


Follow my progress here on Steemit by following me! I'm trying to be more qualitative and informative. Constructive criticism is always very welcome.


Huhu @cryptogainer,

Ich halte IOTO für eine Währung, die zur Zeit absolut keinen Nutzen erfüllt. Die usecases sind zwar alle plausibel, jedoch glaube ich das erst in mehreren Jahren Lösungen dafür gebraucht werden :/ Zumindest sehe ich nach 2 Jahren IOTA keine Anwendung die den Coin/die Blockchain sinnvoll nutzt.

Bei NEO ist mMn der Preis nur so hoch, weil damit GAS produziert wird. Der Coin selber hat auch wenig nutzen 🙈

Ich halte aktuell nur BTC, ETH und SP :) Dabei ca. 75% in BTC, 20% in ETH und 5% in SP.

Nice portfolio. Currently I allocate my portfolio as follows:

70% Bitcoin
10% Bitcoin Cash
5% Ether
5% EOS
5% Dash
5% Other (Pillar, Monero, IOTA, TenX)

I would consider my holdings a low risk portfolio. For you I would consider adding a position of Bitcoin Cash to your portfolio, as well as Dash or Monero as I think there will be more demand for cryptos that are less traceable or untraceable. Always only hold on to assets that you truly believe in and understand.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 57475.27
ETH 2375.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.34