
Wait... There's porn on the internets?? 😂

But seriously, your neighbor is the worst at pretending to be Romanian, he probably 'hacked' in through your wifi router. No shame in releasing some pressure, there's way worse things in life then a little self indulgence. I think most of the adult public knows of pornhub and the likes, whether they admit it in polite public or not.

Fuck that guy for sure though, no pun intended, figurative not literal.

wasn't the internet created for porn...? lol.

(one might think so, given the types of statistics available on the percentage of sites visited that are porn, money spent on it, etc).

Porn has been at the forefront of most of the imaging technology adoption online , from video to HD to video streaming and VR over the last 25 years. Will be interesting to see how they adapt to AR/mixed reality.

Might find if buddy does send your vid out, you get a few high fives from unexpected contacts👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙈


Oh yeah man, VR and porn... the final frontier! lol. Just wait until we get linked up for the simulations that are indistinguishable from real life, like lucid dreaming... oh buddy... :-)

I think it's a hoax email. The blackmailer says that he collected all of your email contacts using RDP. But Remote Desktop Protocol would only give him the ability to see things on your screen, not to delve down into the bowels of Microsoft Outlook (or whatever you use) to copy your contact list. You would have had to slowly scroll through all of your contacts while he furiously took screen captures of your screen. Honestly, how likely is that? Either he doesn't know what he is talking about, or it's a hoax.

Randomware usually involves a threat to encrypt your hard drive, making all of your local data inaccessible to you. Now, the blackmailer didn't claim to do that, but to be on the safe side, you might consider backing up critical data to a separate hard drive.

Finally, you might find a software tool that can extract all of the header info out of the blackmailer's email. It might reveal an origination IP address, which would allow you to contact his ISP and request them to investigate and possibly close his account.

Just a few ideas. Hope that helps.

In all honesty, I couldn’t be bothered to go through the hassle of trying to track him down or anything. Too complicated for my technical know-how. I’m grateful for the lessons. People will always carry on with their various scams, and not worth my time and energy to try be the justice warrior on this one.

I don’t think there’d actually be any ransomeware, as am running everything on Apple and haven’t installed anything recently that I would have though could do it. (Or shit... did I? Possibly, not knowing.) Either way -if the time stamp on the email actually related to a time I was actually on a porn site (might have been, though could have been a few hours off so not sure) - I would have been browsing from an iPad, so doubt any type of hard drive data could have been affected - and wouldn’t matter even if did, as just upgraded to a new iPad Pro yesterday.

All-in-all, smells like hoax.

Thanks for your input. 🙏

There are ip address locators for emails was it in they have been hacked too you know

No, email was on private domain.

My wife has made fun of me so many times for having black tape over my camera. She thinks I'm just being paranoid lol

I have my camera covered at all times unless I am using it. A piece of electrical tape does the trick. Can never be too careful these days.

Mark Zuckerberg covers his camera.

Yeah, that Zuckerberg news piece has definitely stirred up some attention...

thanks a lot for sharing very important and valueable post here , many of u may not beleieve it but i think it is possible , even in app also there are lots of information are stealed ,but we cant even imagine or realise about it but it is true , various type of app are installed on my phone also , so keep urselves safe and secure !

Thanks for the heads up @rok-sivante and it is like about 100 million people a minute watch porn. was hacked and is like the 20th highest visited website on the planet! So, maybe the info for the hacker was from that hack?

No, only site I’ve ever really used is YouPorn, and doesn’t look like the account there is linked to the email address was sent to.

Haha cool act bro! May the luck be with you mate my fingers are already crossed!

I respect you! Talk about turning it around. btw- The animated gif of the cat - Totally made my day.

Lol. Yeah, that GIF is gold. 😂

Currently it is not recommended to leave the webcam connected to the PC. And if it is a Laptop or Netbook it is advisable to put a tape to the webcam lens so that they can not record without realizing it, and at least always tries to have the microphone mute (although it would preferably not have any microphones connected when not you need it).

I would suggest that you send the bullshit to the extortionist, because in any case, nothing guarantees that you will keep your data with those who are extorting from you, and after a while you become extorted.

I wish you luck @rok-sivante and hope you get out of trouble without problems

Two things:

  1. I taped up my laptop camera the very first time I opened my laptop and found a camera pointing right at my face - that was all the motivation I needed to tape it up- about a year later began to hear about laptop cameras getting hacked - so I was glad I already prepared.

  2. Did they ever send the file to your friends and family and if so - what was the conversation like when they talked to you ? - just totally curious!! ;)


The snapshots of their email are the middle section of this post. Definitely seems amateurish.

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