I'm the Greatest!!!

in #popcontest7 years ago

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It is not Important what you are saying to others, what are you showing off- I will do this, I will do that, Have Courage, Never Give Up……………… That’s Not Important

Try to Understand This Carefully, What Is Important. When You are alone what are you saying to yourself, what your inner self says to you. What you think about yourself, what you say to yourself when you are alone, the Same things happens with you. Your actions will be the same i.e. Law of attraction.

It’s not a big deal to show from Outside, our habits are to Show off. Hollow inside but Show Off. Understand this, that’s the reality of human life. When You see Yourself in mirror what you say to yourself. What You Say, the Same You will become. You will have the confidence, the burning desire to achieve something, the hardcore passion will be inside you. You don’t have to do anything about it. For Example - One thing is that You Are Applying energy and the other thing is that the Energy is Coming Out of You. Both are very different things. If the Energy is Coming out of you instead of you applying it then you will be a different person. There will be something special in you, you will shine and people will admire you.

When You Understand that You are the greatest, then think what your actions will be? The level of your thinking will be extra-ordinary, you can’t think small, you will strive to do something great no matter how. Just Think that you are the Greatest. Fake It, Till You Make It, lie to Yourself till you become the Greatest.

Keep the Definition of Greatest very clear in Your Mind Otherwise You will get confused. For example, if you are a doctor then who is the greatest, one whose Name is Big or the one Whose work is Big. Even if you are a teacher whose name is n so big but you are doing your work with great passion and dedication, you love your work, you help everyone in your field. You enjoy your work then you are the greatest, No Doubt.

So, Greatest is the one who puts his 100% in his work. So What if You were able to do by seeing yourself in the mirror and Say,” I am the Greatest Person ever born on this Planet and will take my work to that level that no one could achieve my mark easily in future also. I will be Master of My Work. Some of You will think like this, some will not. That’s Your Problem. If You think you are the Greatest that You are. No matter what others Say to You but You see yourself the Greatest and That’s All that Matters. This is My Outlook to see Myself.

Even if You become a Celebrity or Very Famous Person but feeling very lonely and dissatisfied and depressed. Why this is Happening because you haven’t seen yourself with your own eyes, who you really are. You just gone with the flow of the world and what people said to you, You Followed Blindly. That’s What World do, that’s the only work of society – to take to Top for a moment and then at bottom left alone to cry. That’s What world do if You not find who you are and what you can do. You never accepted who you are, what others said about you, you believed that. What others say about you doesn’t matter. Ok let’s think People will say You are the Worst, does it make any difference- No. The Only think that should matter is What you think of Yourself.

Trust Me, when you feel this think inside you, You Will be someone else, the people around you will feel the difference in you, they will see something special in You. You will have Spark in your Eyes, they will get Motivated and inspired by You. You will attract people towards you like a magnet. Such people are called magnets, they have enormous energy coming out of them, everybody loves positive energy. No one likes dull or frustrated people. Everyone follows the charged person, the one who is fully charged and ready to do anything, anytime, anywhere. How People Gets Charged Up, how energy comes out and how this energy radiates. How come we become like this that the peoples working with us in our work or business they will not leave us. They always want to be with you because they trust you and they can feel something Special and Positive in You which attracts them towards you, That’s Your Magic. Then You have to join with others very carefully because you know when someone partners with you is not going away and that’s your magic.

Are you getting the depth of what I said above, this is not a theoretical or philosophical thing, trust me I had experienced this? So You can be like this and how all this will start. So First of All You want to become like this or Not? If Yes, how you will become like this? That’s Very Simple- The Way you see Yourself, the Same energy will come Out of You. You have to be Greatest in Your Mind and Your Actions.

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If You are doing a Business and not even excited about it and You have a team who is not doing good and you are blaming them. Think Again, how can you expect others to do the work in which even you are not interested. Your Team will join you if you get on board and lead them. Show Passion and dedication in the work this will charge them up and motivate them.
Greatest Person is one Who is Human, who have feelings and emotions and You understand the emotions of people around you. You are not a Machine. You do your Work with great passion, you don’t harm others. You are Master of Your Work. You are the Greatest. So Now You have 2 Choices:

  1. Join the Powerful Persons around You.
  2. Become Powerful.

So Stick to 2nd Option. You Have to be Powerful not to Dominate Others but to Conquer Yourself.

Thank You So Much for Reading My Post, I hope You liked it. Please Do Comment, Resteem, Upvote and Follow. Have a Great Day :)


Such an amazing message! You put a lot of effort into this post! Thinking positively definitely does play a role in what crosses are paths and how we handle it. Well done @vikbuddy - much love, @sweetpea

Thank you so much dear 😊

I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.

- Albert Einstein

Great post @vikbuddy ! I agree totally with you ! Some people really do have magnetic energy that attracts others to them its Fantastic really and I wish there was more people like it ! Thanks for entering and sharing your post in my #popcontest ! Loved it ! Good luck we will see what the guest judge @sweetpea
thinks as well ! 👍💕👍💕👍💕

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