in #popcontest7 years ago (edited)

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Just before my Final year at the University I was consulted by my departmental stakeholders about the possibility of contesting for the post of our Departmental president.

Years back I would have adamantly refused and laughed into their face, but life and experience had learnt me never not trample on any opportunity. Rather than saying yes straight up I told them I'd think about it.
Not because I didn't want to, I just didn't think I could do it, how do I get the confidence to speak to large crowds, how do I raise the funds to run a successful compaign, what are my chances of winning, how I do influence situations at such top level. I liked the idea, I had great visions for my department but deep within me I knew I couldn't.
Time flew quickly, school was about resuming and I knew I couldn't Dodge for long anymore, I spoke to some friends and got the same reply from them all 'Weigh the pros and cons, if the pros outweigh the cons go for it otherwise let it slide'. I had done that already, everything was perfect for me but how do I crush the part of me who didn't believe I could.

After months of hiding away and no motion, I finally decided it was time to make a move. Without thinking I publicly declared my interest I knew the external pressure would jolt my reluctant inner man into making moves and it did! With no prior knowledge of the way political matters were carried out in the department I had to learn on the Job, formed a campaign team, consulted with the various levels and their stakeholders and ran a massive compaign all round my faculty, called for and chairmaned several meetings up till the election day.
I prayed fervently for there to be no manifesto and presidential debate I don't think the prayers got to heaven, there was. It was fate, I had to face it, face the whole department and tell them my plans for them. I DID GREAT.

Election day came and went although I lost, it remains the bravest thing I've ever done my whole life. I gained massive respect from my colleagues and lecturers, made great friends, I challenged myself to a fight and won, can't remember how I was able to raise the funds or where I received confidence to speak to the crowd and answer all their questions, I just knew everything began falling into place and ideas began coming in after I took that first step by declaring my interest even though I had no idea how I was going to go about it all.
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Thanks for reading.


So glad you "challenged yourself to fight and you won !" @tudors ! thanks for sharing in my #popcontest upped and resteemed !👍👍👍

Nice post so inpriating, taken that first step is so inportant in life, thanks for sharing.

When one commits oneself, then providence moves, too. -- Goethe

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